What A Day Part Two

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Elysia was shaking me awake from a dreamless sleep.

"Tam, wake up, come with me, get dressed."

I got out of bed.

"Elysia, what's going on?"

"Just get dressed, meet me in your father's room."

"What's going on!?"

"Just do it Tamara!"

She walked out. I wore a white dress, my medallion, and my ring.

I followed her to Father's room, he was nowhere but someone was asleep on the bed.

"Come here," Elysia whispered.

I followed her closer to the bed. It was Ryan!


"He was finally captured...your father took him after he killed Master Chung."

"No...no...Master Chung, I knew it! I knew it Elysia, my first vision the night the Roos were trapped here."


"Yep, inherited from my mother. I had a vision of Father and Master Chung fighting ending in Master Chung's death. What's Father gonna do with Ryan?"

"Make him read the manuscript aloud, that's all."

"I can't believe this, Master Chung is dead, Ryan is held prisoner, all because of greed and spite."

"Greed and spite?"

"Yeah, Father for these lifesprings and you...you know. You turn your back on your friends. Elysia, listen, I'm sorry your brother was killed, Yun is sorry your brother was killed. You joined Komodo just for that reason, he's brainwashing you."

"Those Roos deserve what's coming to them Tam."

"Why do you still call me Tam?"

"Because I still like you...you're special."

"You think I'm special? I'll show you special."

I took out my medallion.

"Master Chung dubbed me the sixth warrior of virtue."

"Virtue of what?" She hissed.


"You're an immature kid, you just turned twelve, you're still developing! How did you get that virtue if you're gonna change when you develop more?"

"Integrity means I do what's right, what my heart tells me."

"You're just a kid," she said condescending like a mean teenaged girl.

"Developing into a woman, which is Father's worst nightmare, he wants me to stay small."

"You are small, you're not gonna be a woman anytime soon, you're so naive, you don't know what's going on around here."

"As a matter of fact...I do. You're sucking face with my father!"

She was gonna slap me but I caught her hand and shoved her with my air powered momentum.

"Let me slap you, just let me slap you!"

Then, we heard Ryan stirring. We stopped our altercation and gathered around him.

"Ryan?" Elysia woke him up by caressing his eyebrow.

He sat up and saw us.


He looked at Elysia.


He stared at her.

"Elysia you traitor!"

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