Thranduil being king includes...

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〰️ Settling minor disputes between the Silvan chiefs

〰️ Making speeches and overseeing official festivals and events. He's also down to party at a Silvan Celebration, but none of that at a Sindar event

〰️ Makes certain that trade runs smoothly between them and outside kingdoms

〰️ He leaves most of the rule making to the local leaders, but is sure that certain standards are met if the people think their chief is abusing them or making unfair decisions, they go to him to have it set right.

〰️ In his mind, the council does nothing and are there to get in his way and to keep him from making swift and speedy decisions. But in actuality, they are there to safe guard him from making any horrid mistakes

〰️ His duties are actually rather chill compared to other kings since the Silvans are rather independent and would rather take care of themselves (except for when they can't, or outsiders are involved)BUT it is HIS job to protect and maintain their borders. He takes it vary seriously, and this is where you'll see his intelligence and strength shine. As well as his knack for discipline

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