Chapter 2

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Everything was blurry all FaithPaw could hear were cats talking. She guessed she was in the medicine den. "GreyLeaf she's awake!"Said who she guessed was SquirrelPaw the new medicine cat apprentice. "Shhh! Be quite SquirrelPaw she's trying to sleep"GreyLeaf scowled her apprentice. She got up and looked around. Yep she was in the medicine den for sure! Judging by all the herbs and roots. "Are you alright?"GreyLeaf asked her as she padded over to her and checked up on her. "I feel fine."She mewed back to her and got to her feet heading out of then den. "Okay..."GreyLeaf Said unsure, but let her go. As she walked out of the den she heard FernPaw and some other apprentices talking. She saw GreyStar walking over to her. "Are you feeling good?" She asked as she sat down her white fur shimmering in the sunlight. "Yup!"She responded curling her tail around her feet. "Okay then, let's start training."GreyStar mewed as she started to walk out of camp. She hurried after her her tail high.

"Do you want to battle train, hunt or would you like to see the territory first?"She asked when they were out of camp.
"Well I would want to train but I feel like I should get to know the territory a little better."She meowed back.
"Good choice."She said.

After she got to met the territory she started to smell stuff. She sniffed the air and she smelt mouse!
"GreyStar can we hunt?"She asked still sniffing the air.
"Sure we can."GreyStar responded.
"Copy what I do."She said as she crouched to the ground her tail low.
She copied what her leader and mentor did.
"Good job but try to keep your tail low."She mewed noticing her tail.
FaithPaw held her tail low to the ground.
"So... What do you smell?"GreyStar asked her crouching down to the ground like her.
"Hmmm....I smell....Mouse!"She felt exited.
"Okay, Okay, now where is this mouse?"She continued.
She sniffed the air trying to figure out where it was. "Over there under the bushes."She said quietly as she crept forward.
"Good now try to stalk it."She whispered.
FaithPaw crept forward trying to make her paw steps lightly like GooseTail told her to do when she was 4 moons old. She stopped moving forward and waited for her chance. The mouse scurried out of the bushes thinking it was safe. The mouse nibbled on a little berry and was completely unaware that it was about to be fresh-kill. She waited a few seconds then pounced. The mouses ears moved and it ran. She chased it. She ran past the Root Tree and started to run as fast as she could. She pounced on it covering its face with her paws then killed it with a swift bite to the neck.
GreyStar appeared out of the bushes. "That's a good first catch."GreyStar congratulated her.
"Well we better be getting back to camp."She said as she looked over at the sky. Sundown was not to far away.
"Your right lets head back now."She nodded in agreement.
Today was great but I know tomorrow's going to be even better...Because she was going to the gathering!

Some of the cats look like:
GooseTail: GooseTail has light grey fur with green eyes.

SquirrelPaw: SquirrelPaw is a dark orange she-cat with blue eyes.

GreyLeaf: GreyLeaf is a small Grey She-cat with blue eyes and black stripes.


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