How you met

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Thomas: Chuck introduced you to Thomas as he was running out of the maze. He greeted you kindly and kissed your hand saying "Well life just got 10 times better here!" You struggled to stop yourself from squealing like a little girl but you couldn't stop yourself from blushing.

Newt: It was your first week in the glade when a tall lanky 18 year old with dirty blond hair approached you. He was very handsome. "hello Y/N I'm Newt second in command and I will be showing you around and answer any questions you have." His voice was lased with a thick British accent and it sounded familiar.

Minho: You were running around the glade trying to keep yourself occupied when you weren't looking where you were going and you ran into a strong figure. "watch where your go..." you started shouting from the ground when you noticed his big brown chestnut eyes. He hoisted you off the ground and spoke in a soothing tone. "Sorry i got distracted by your beauty!" "I love it here already" you whispered as the guy (you soon found out was named Minho) who effortlessly picked you off the ground ran towards a small concrete building.

Alby: A muscular 17 year old stepped closer to you as exited the box. He cleared everyone from around you by shouting at them. He used some very colourful language, some of which you didn't understand. Alby motioned for you to follow him. "Welcome to the Glade shank. Its not much but its home." He seemed to have two sides, a rough abrasive one and a sweet relaxed one.

Gally: When it came time for your internship as a builder you had to report to the keeper, Gally. He prodded you and spoke in a deep voice "what am i supposed to do with a girl?" he asked no one in particular. This angered me "I can do anything you can do. Now give me a hammer and some nails and we will get this wall built!" "Feisty one you are. I like you. welcome to the glade shank."

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