The world on the outside

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Teresa, a girl who seems to be loved on the outside, but on the inside isn't sure what love is. She grew up in a family of 8. Her father, mother, her 4 sisters, and 1 brother. Everyone is always complimenting her and her family. What people see is the perfect family without any problems. It's almost impossible that it could cross people's minds that what they see is only one side of the coin. Behind the laughter, the happy faces, and the act problems are not hard to find or identify. 

If I should describe it shortly, then it would be a clear unequal division of the love given by her mother and father. This is not a story that will end on a happy note. There is no prince charming, no magical contribution or support. there is only Teresa. Teresa is said to be the black sheep in her family. She is a middle child and when looked at the people older than her and the ones younger, it is pretty obvious that she isn't prioritized. now you might wonder how she gets treated what she has been through. You might even wonder if there is a reason behind the treatment that she gets. And the answer is ....

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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