Chapter 1- Just the start

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Darkness was all I could see, all I could remember or think about. A sudden pounding throughout my head, my whole body sore. I wanted my eyes to open but my body wouldn't let me, it was as if I was trapped inside my own body. I could hear nothing but silence. I felt the cold hard ground from beneath me. Trying my best to open my eyes and make sense of my surroundings.

Footsteps I heard footsteps, every passing second they were coming closer. The overwhelming pain throughout my body was all I could think about at the moment. My eyes suddenly open I was in a laying position on the ground tall gray walls surrounding me moss and vines covering all of the walls. The blue sky above me no clouds in sight.

The footsteps could no longer be heard. But I could hear two boys talking not to far away from me. Who are they? Who am I? Where am I? These sudden questions filling my head. Making the pain almost non existent.

I have to get up, I have to get help. I put the palm of my hands on the ground pulling myself up into a sitting position. Pain excruciating throughout my body. One of my hands still on the cold cement floor, the other pressing against my head like it was going to stop the pain.

Tears brim against my eyes. I have to find someone, anyone. I started thinking as hard as I could to any possible memory's. Seconds, minutes passed by of me sitting there trying to think of anything that could help. No memories could be thought about, no names, no faces, nothing.

Welp that was a waste of time

I tried to stand up the second I did, I regretted it. One leg too sore to even hold myself up straight. The other was only filled with overwhelming pain. I fell straight back down to my laying position from earlier. Owww.

Laughter, I heard laughter. I sit back up again looking around me. There was an opening towards the gray wall besides me it led down another deep long path. I tried to listen to the voices again maybe I could figure out what they are talking about or who they are.

Maybe they know me they might know who I am!

"Alright Ben lunch times over better start running the maze again." One of the voices said. I didn't pay attention to the rest of there conversation just repeating one word the boy said in my head over and over again.

Maze. I'm an idiot how did I not realize this was a maze. Why I'm I in a maze? I probably just hit my head and that's why I can't remember anything. I'm I in the circus? Arnet only clowns in mazes? What? I'm I really this dumb?

The boy must've been really close by since these walls are thick and I could hear them. I heard footsteps coming in my direction once again.

What should I do what should I do. I began to panic what happens if he doesn't know who I am. What happens if he was sent here to kill me. Then why would he take a lunch break if he was gonna kill me? That doesn't matter IM GONNA DIE welp sitting here isn't gonna do anything, but I can't walk so there's not many options.

Before I could move or try to hide the boy turns the corner. I stop breathing holding my breath in as like he won't see me if I don't breath.

"What the shuck" the boy says looking at me. I look at him realizing he doesn't seem like dangerous or anything. It doesn't seem like he will hurt me. He has dark black hair, has brown eyes, and is very tall. Or he may just look tall considering I'm sitting on the ground. And he's Asian.

The boy suddenly pulls out a knife from his pack. The knife is directed towards me.

He has a stern look on his face
staring at me like I have three heads.

I'm I really that ugly

"It's a girl" the boy says suddenly acting like I can't hear him.

"No way it's a boy" I say in a sarcastic tone of voice back to him.

"What are you doing here, who are you" the boy says coldly moving the knife closer to my face.

"I don't know" I mumble to myself trying even harder to think of any memories of mine.

"What was that" he says back in reply "who are you" he says again

"I don't know I swear" I say loud enough for him to hear me this time

"How do you not know, how did you get here"

"I already told you I don't know" I say in almost a screaming tone of voice

"I can't remember I can't remember anything I don't know why maybe I hit my head or something I just woke up here like a few minutes I can't" I say freaking out stopping my self mid sentence from sounding anymore scared.

"Do you remember your name"

"What do you not get about me saying I can't remember anything?" I say to him in a questionable tone gaining confidence the boy doesn't respond and just stares about me. Probably contemplating if he should kill me or not.

"What's your name" I say to the boy "or I'm I just gonna have to guess cause right now I'm confident your name starts with a B."

"It's Minho" He says looking less scared then from earlier, with the knife still clutched in his hand facing me.

"You can drop the knife you know I'm like two feet tall you could easily beat me up it's just a little dramatic of you holding it."

Minho scoffs and hesitantly puts his knife back into his pack. "Come on we have to go we can't stay here much longer" he says offering a hand to help me up.

"Why can't we stay here much longer" I say beginning to become more curious about this place by the second.

"I'll answer questions later greenie can you stand up."

Greenie what's a greenie I'll ask him later.

I put the palm of my hands on the floor once again lifting myself off of the ground. Putting all of my weight onto my better leg.

"Can you not stand on the other leg" Minho says questionable towards me raising his eyebrow

"Last time I stood on both of my legs I fell over I'm not reliving that again the ground hurts" I say looking down at my hands and earning a chuckle from Minho.

"Well your gonna have to walk at least try" he says with an amusing look on his face

I put my left foot which was my bad foot out first putting my weight on it trying to walk. The second I try to walk I just go falling into Minho. His arms wrapped around my waist helping me back into a standing position on my good foot.

Suddenly I felt light headed and a pounding in my head. My hand immediately reaches to my head. I clutch my eyes close trying to get the pain to go away. Soon I feel myself falling and Minho catching me again.

"Hey hey are you-" that was the last thing I could hear Minho's voice. Slipping into darkness letting it consume me.

The resistance (Minho x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن