Chapter 2- New friends

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Whispers could be heard in every direction. Darkness was all I could see once again. I heard a young boys voice, and an older women's voice. I couldn't make out anything they were saying. Trying my hardest to focus on there voices, who are they? What are they saying? I need answers.

But before any of my questions could be answered my eyes fluttered open. I sit up immediately regretting my decision as I feel light headed right away. Pressing the palm of my hand to my forehead looking around the room I was in. I was on a bed with a table next to my with un used wraps and medicine containers.

Footsteps suddenly could be heard. I see two teenage boys walking towards me.

"She's awake" the shorter one said he had black short hair and darker skin.

"Hey" the other boy says to me. He has fluffy brown hair. Pale skin and is much taller than the boy standing next to him.

"Who are you guys" I say with curiosity filling my voice.

"I'm Jeff and this is Clint" the shorter boy says pointing to the boy next to him.

"Do you remember anything" Jeff says

"No, where's Minho" I say sternly

"We will go and get him" Jeff says while motioning for Clint to leave as well.

As soon as Jeff and Clint walk out the door Minho comes walking in. "I heard you wanted to see me princess" Minho says sarcastically while grinning.

"Where am I and why can't I remember anything"

"Well first of all you are in the glade second I don't know why you can't remember anything I'm assuming it's the same as the rest of us" He says in a questionable tone

"What do you mean by that" I say lifting my brow and looking in Minho's direction.

"Well princess everyone here besides you has came up in this box with no memories the only thing everyone here can remember is there name you will remember your name in a day or two"

"There's no need to call me princess" I say with an annoyed tone while crossing my arms.

"Until you can remember your name you'll be referred to as princess since you where like a damsel in distress" Minho says in a cocky tone rocking back and forth on his feet.

"Damsel in distress, really" As soon as I finish my sentence three other people come walking in. One with dark skin and barley any hair with a cold look on his face, he is not one I'll want to mess around with I thought. The other had more of a skinner built with blond shaggy hair and brown eyes and pale skin. The third boy had more of an muscular built and was taller then the blond boy and he could easily be mistaken for bald at my angle and he had funny eyebrows. They remind me of caterpillars.

"What do you remember green bean" the darker skin boy said.

"I can't remember anything not even my name" I say getting bored of this question already. How many times are people going to ask me what I remember.
"Who are you guys" I say with a confident voice even though I was mentally freaking out.

"I'm newt" the blonde spoked up. "And this here is Alby he's the leader around here and this is Gally." He says while pointing to them.

"Where am I" I say louder this time. The boys all look either annoyed or frustrated with this question. Newt once again saying something as like the others where to scared or annoyed too. "Your at the glade"

"The glade what the heck is the glade" I say with an annoyed voice. I was expecting more of a detailed response with where I was.

"This" Gally says while moving his finger in a circle gesturing to the place around us. "This place is the glade"

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