Sub Vino, Sub Rosa

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The party had only lasted a few hours, but to Jayce it had lasted ages. He was grateful for their sponsors, but they didn't get it, not like he did, not like Viktor did. The floor of his room was cold as he took his shoes off, rolling his shoulders in an attempt to relax. Viktor had already gone to his room, leaving Jayce alone with his thoughts. He hoped things were ok, Mel seemed to lead all their conversations & Viktor had tried to hide at every opportunity possible, he didn't understand.

Viktor was genius, he solved the things Jayce agonized over for weeks in mere hours, he'd been instrumental in the creation of Hextech, why wouldn't he want credit? He certainly deserved it just as much as Jayce did.

Jayce sat at his cluttered desk, various knick knacks & books scattered over its surface, his mind wandered to the quiet of the wasn't like the quiet of the lab, the scratching of chalk against blackboard, the clinking of lab equipment, Viktor's quiet mannerisms Jayce had come to recognize as science incarnate.

The quiet of the was different. It was the wind outside the darkened window & the buzz of his own thoughts, a thing Jayce had come to despise with every fiber of his being. That night, when he was ready to just...stop. When even science failed him & the wind seemed so much louder than usual, that's when he'd learned the danger of the buzzing in his ears.

That night he'd met Viktor. Actually met him, not like the first time. Granted, it wasn't how he wanted to, but he met him nonetheless. He remembered his stupid pretty face as he'd walked in on a dying man & shamelessly called him egotistical, then immediately built a cathedral of words Jayce had put together to form a dream he'd never expected to come true.

The quiet of the room was suddenly more comfortable when he'd pictured Viktor. Jayce was aware that meant something, but he didn't want to acknowledge it yet...that was a dangerous idea. A knock at his door pulled him out of his thoughts, he stood, approaching the door & turning the handle, somehow he already knew who it was without having to check. Mel stood in the doorway, a red evening dress draped over her shoulders, of course she looked beautiful, but that was no grand achievement for her.

"Hello, Talis" she greeted, Jayce stammered a bit, a burning heat in the tips of his ears "hello, Mel-what uh-what brings you here?" She smiled, stepping closer to him even though they were already close enough for Jayce's liking "just here for a chat" she said, all too smug &...breathtaking "I wanted to let you know how impressed I was with you at the party, you were rather dignified" she was just playing with him now, he was sure of it "well I-uh-thank you" he said, voice now quieter than before.

He could feel the heat of her, so close to his, he had to remind himself who he was talking to because it just felt so right. Mel put a hand on his shoulder, shiny fingernails & golden rings adorning her like the rings of a planet, an accessory only accentuating her glory. She put her lips just a little too close to his ear "invite me in?" She asked with an air of dignity so profound he almost didn't catch the overwhelming heat of the situation.

The quiet of the room was more than just wind now. Now it boasted the scent of floral perfume & illegal wine.

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