WoW 🙀🙊🤪🤩 Cool Story Bro 🧒🕴

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"Well..." Mr. Clean began. "Legend says there is a golden mop, hidden in a far away cove, filled with other immaculate cleaning products. It has the power to motivate you to clean, even when you are in a cleaning slump,"
"WoW how do w-" Phil interrupted (like the little bitch he is).
"Woah, sorry dude," Swift sheepishly replied.
"Y O U B E T T E R B E!"
"Continueeeee," the Flex family of products spokesman hesitantly replied.
"Oopsies, I kinda forgot, lol. 🤪✌"
"Anway," Phil said shaking off the odd reply he got from Veritibly, "how do we get this mop?"
"We have too............" Mr. Clean thought for a moment, "I don't know."
"Oh my god."
They both sat in an awkward silence, neither of them knew what to say. Mr. Clean started sheepishly at his high heeled crocs. They were glistening in the lights, squeaky clean as always. Phil staring at his light up My Little Pony Sketchers. The silence was interrupted by Mr. Clean's phone. The ringtone piercing the silence.
"Otmeal container, a wooden bowl, A PLASTIC WATER BOTTLE AND A PAPER TOWEL R-"
"Really, Veritably?" Phil wonders aloud.
"Yes but, you cannot deny Elmo puy his whole Elmussy into that," Mr. Clean explained his choice in that deep sultry voice.
"Alright, alright, just answer the call," Swift insisted.
"OH! Mike how are you doing on this fine eve?"
An inaudible response on the other end, or Phil assumed, he couldn't really hear.
"Good...what????? have info???...."
Now Phil was interested.
Now Phil was dying to know!

Afformentioned Croc heels:

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Afformentioned My Little Pony Sketchers:

Afformentioned My Little Pony Sketchers:

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Mr. Clean X Old Spice Comerial GuyWhere stories live. Discover now