Chapter One

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"We're never going to find it, Buck!" You groan. Tony had sent you and Bucky out to find the last stone that Thanos needs to snap half the world away. "I'm sure we'll find it soon, Y/N." Bucky reassures you.

Walking around, you find something shiny sitting along the grass. You pick it up. "Bucky, it's the stone! Why is it here?" He walks over to you. "That was easier than I expected." He says with a laugh. Something doesn't feel right to you. A stone wouldn't be out in the open like this. "Bucky, I feel uneasy." You walk towards him. Suddenly, he disappears, and everything goes black.

Trembling, you walk around, shouting for Bucky. You watch as you see a little green light, then that light turns into five lights of color. They rise up to show the face of someone you never thought you'd face alone. Thanos. He begins to walk closer and closer to you until his tall figure is standing above you. "Never in all my years of life did I think a pesky human like you would fall for that trick." He spoke on a raspy voice. "What do you want?" The question slips passed your lips. He smiles at you. "You know exactly what I want, Y/N." The feeling of fear increases. "How do you know who I am?" You feel the shakiness in your voice. "I know a lot of things, little one. I know everything about everyone." His voice became less raspy the more he spoke.

"Look, I don't have the stone, so let me go." The shakiness in your voice becomes more visible. Everything becomes visible again, even Bucky. You rush over and hug him, tears running down your cheeks. "Bucky, he's here. He's after the stone." You say in between sobs. He reassures you that everything will be fine. "We have to go." Bucky urges you.

You and Bucky meet with Tony and the others and explain what happened. "Seriously? Does that guy ever stop?" Tony sighs. The day before, he had gotten into your mind and made you believe everyone had already been snapped away. "So what do we do now, Mr.Stark?" asks the youngest hero, Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man. "Now, we fight." Tony responds. Everyone prepares to fight the terrifying titan, even you.

Suddenly, Dr.Strange shows up through one of his portals with Wong. "What took you so long?" Tony asks him. "Trying to find ways to stop Thanos, unlike you." Strange scoffs. The two start to argue. "Guys, knock it off. We have to stop him before he gets the last stone." Steve breaks the fight up. "You're right, Steve. But how?" You pause and think. Strange tries to find possible outcomes while Tony just makes up a plan as he goes along. "Okay, so, we know that the last stone he needs is the mind stone, which is the source to Vision. All we have to do is use Vision as bait, then when Thanos tries to grab the stone, we appear and fight him." Tony explains.

"Y'know, this might actually work." Stephen mumbles to Wong. While everyone was preparing, you start thinking of your own plan. Maybe I could make a fair deal with him? That's gotta be the only way everyone will survive. You're so deep into your mind that you don't even notice you're pacing back and forth. "Y/N, are you ok? You seem stressed." You hear Strange's voice talking. "Oh, yeah, I suppose." You fiddle with your fingers as your anxiety increases. You take a deep breath. "Let's go kick some purple ass!" You shout so everyone hears.

And that's it for chapter one! I hope y'all like the story so far! :)

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