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Arabella shuffled through her notes, stress lines forming on her forehead. The faint noise of typing and page turning filled the silence. Students occupied the large library of Cambridge University.

Midterms were due and you could almost feel the tension oozing off the students. Arabella reached for her coffee only to find herself disappointed when it was already empty.

She let out a heavy sigh and leaned back. Stretching her tense muscles. She took a moment to take in the scene in front of her.

A smile snuck on her face as she realized she finally had what she had been wanting her entire life.

Freedom and control. Control of her life. Something she hadn't had for as long as she could remember.

She reminisced on her past life, which didn't seem so far behind her yet. Her chest grew heavy as she recalled wiping down every spec of dirt in that god forsaken kingdom. The thought of that kingdom haunts her even now.

She's just grateful that she could get away unscathed. She was pursing an education in art, her passion ever since someone handed her a pencil and paper.

"What kind of psychopath smiles while studying?"

Arabella jumped slightly at her friends voice. She turned to her side to see Kayden looking at her puzzlingly.

"Wasn't really thinking about studying." She laughed. The skin around her eyes crinkled as she smiled fondly at the boy.

"I could tell" he snorted.

"Arabella Windsor?"

Arabella and Kayden looked up expectantly. Arabella quirked her eyebrow.

"Yes?" She side-eyed her friend.

"Can you come with me please?" The man who she recognized as a counselor at her school asked tensely.

Arabella sent a wide eyed shrug to Kayden as she packed her bag before following the teacher.

"I never thought I would have the honor of meeting her. Truly it is unexpected."

She turned the corner to the school boards office and heard a voice from the rooms. The room was left open and she could see in a bit. As she wakes closer she couldn't help but notice the clutter of people packed into the room.

"Thank you Mr.Grant. This gracious welcome will be recognized."

That voice.

It couldn't be. She thought.

"She's coming up now. My apologies for the wait."

"The apology is not necessary. My mother taught me patience."

Don't let it be him. She pleaded.

"If you don't mind me asking, how do you know Arabella? I mean someone of your caliber being so acquainted with a student from our school doesn't happen quite often." Mr.grants voice got louder as she inched closer to the room.

She walked closer and her worst nightmare barred itself to her. Claws and all.

His eyes fell upon her, his face lit up. Not in a kind smile. More rather the one when you have when you finally find that one thing that you let escape right under you.

His eyes. Those green eyes she came to loath. She hated the way they shined despite the cruelty that laid behind them.

The sickening smile she wanted to erase from her memory. She hated the way everyone but her saw it as an endearing expression whereas she looked at it as a threat.

His ever so perfect brown hair left intact, the same way he left it when she left him. She remembered the way she would run her hands through his hair. That was before she ran at the sight or even, thought of him.

Her eyes finally scanned downwards, taking in his attire. The suit with gold accents and detailed ruffles announced his royal standing without hesitation. She hated how much power he had when walking into a room he had never been in before.

"Arabella is.." she could hear the smile in his voice. Oh how she that smug voice he had whenever he won. And he always won.

"Someone I used to know." His finished as his eyes devoured her appearance. She squirmed under his pungent stare. She could feel her palms sweating and she was pretty sure she was shaking.

"Isn't that right, my Bella?

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