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How could Arabella act like anything was okay. When the very man she ran from a year ago finally found her. How could she act like anything was normal.

There she sat, in her chair, on the very edge of her seat. Art appreciation class started 10 minutes ago but you couldn't pay Arabella a million bucks to tell her to recall what the teacher was talking about. Her mind was elsewhere.

A nudge took her out of her daze. She looked to the source and saw hazel eyes. Those hazel eyes she had grown to admire over the last few months.

Jace Walsh. The overachiever in our entire art department. Every teachers favorite student. He didn't have to try to create a masterpiece. Arabella chose to admire his skills from afar but it seems like fate had other plans. When he sat next to her on the first day of class she felt the sweat beads forming on her head.

He was attractive and talented. How could she not have a little crush on him. His soft blonde hair made him look like a prince.

"You okay?" He concerned in a whisper, careful not to draw the professors attention.

She gave him closemouthed smile that didn't reach her eyes and nodded. She tried her best to feign peace. But peace is the only thing she didn't have right now.

"It's a pleasure to meet you! I didn't think Mr.Grant was being serious when he told me a royal was enrolling in our school."

Chills went up her spine. Arabella felt all movement in her body pause. She didn't have to look up to know.

Loud chatter arose around her. Whispers and shrieks of disbelief from the students.

"Isn't that Sebastian Wells?!"

"What is a prince doing at our school?"

"No way! He's so handsome."

Arabella wanted nothing more than to sink into the ground. There was no way out this time.

She felt another nudge from Jace. "Woah. I heard rumors that he was coming here but I didn't think it was true"

Arabella didn't respond. She couldn't. Her throat was dry and her head was dizzy.

When she finally had the courage to lift her head up, she was met with green eyes. A forest green that went in hand in hand with his brown hair.

This time he was dressed differently. The royal garment was gone and in place was a plain black t-shirt paired with dark blue jeans.

He couldn't look more plain. Yet he still stole the attention of everyone in the room. He didn't even have to try to be the center of attention. It came to him easily.

She zeroed in on his facial expression. An absolutely eye-catching smile planted on his sculpted face. Anyone would melt at that, but all Arabella felt were icy shivers running up and down her spine.

"Take a seat anywhere you would like Prince Wells." The Professor insisted. She internally scoffed, it was pathetic how everyone sacrificed their pride for him. Her Professor was usually a tight lipped man who was strict on grading. Now he looked like he would crumble at his feet for the acceptance of his highness.

"Oh please, call me Sebastian." He gave the man a whole hearted smile. Arabella could hear everyone one around fall for his sweet genuine demeanor.

Gasps and hushed gossip were heard as Sebastian made his way to back of the room. Which meant he had to pass her.

Arabella looked at him wide-eyed in disbelief and anger. A mix between a glare and a look of fear flashed across her face as his eyes reached hers.

He sent her another sickly sweet smile. His eyes lighting up immediately after taking in her presence.

His fingers tapped the top of her desk before he sat 2 rows behind her.

She could finally relax a little. There was enough distance to make her feel at ease. But she knew any distance between them would never be enough for her.

"What was that? Do you know him?" Jace quizzed, obviously noticing his gesture. A sense of distaste in his tone.

She shook her head, lying through her skin. She ran out of the class, counting down every second until she could leave.

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