chapter 6

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the end

The couple stayed together, if not necessarily by coincidence, as they say about soul mate; but nevertheless, a love developed, so strong that no one, really no one, not even the assembled power of all the gods in heaven, could break them apart.

For Minho, a new phase of his now immortal life began. He was carried by Hyunjin on his hands. His cats had moved in, as had the rest of his belongings.

Day in and day out, he was able to pursue new hobbies, tend the garden with Hyunjin, learn about the gods, and understand the politics of the people they led.

Although it was against the rules (actually they were laws, but the two decided to ignore them) he kept in touch with his parents as long as they lived.

Besides, he got the best sex, as often as he wanted. Another advantage of being with a god.

You couldn't be happier in a situation like this.

But things did not go so smoothly everywhere. There were still three other human boys who had fallen victim to the gods.

What do you think happened to them?

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