Fixation ✘ Great Expectations

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Fixation ✘ Great Expectations

"Hey, keeks. Look at Auntie Kiki!" Khloe said as True sat on her lap at the table while playing on her phone.

"Hi! Hi, Choo-choo!" Kim said to True.

"Hi," True said to Kim.

"Do you want to give Auntie kiki a hug?" Khloe asked True.

"Hi, I missed you. (gasps) Can I get a hug?" Kim asked True.

True leans over and hugs Kim. Kim then kisses True's cheek.

"Oh, thank you," Kim said.

"Say, "Bye. Love you." Khloe told True.

"Bye. Love you," True repeated.

"Say, "Bye, Auntie Kiki," Khloe told True.

"Love you," Kim said.

"Bye," True said, getting off of Khloe's lap and walking out of the dining room.

"Did you feel the earthquake last night?" Kris asked Kim.

"The one that we all texted about?" Khloe asked.

"Yeah. You guys are going to think I'm crazy. The earthquake happened, right? And I came out of the room to come out here and see if, like, the water was moving, or, you know, what was happening ok the coast. It was dark, pitch black," Kris explained.

"Mm-hmm," Kim said, eating.

"And there were lights out there that were very, very unusual. When I looked around to see if anybody was back here, and I looked back out-- gone. As if it didn't happen," Kris said.

"It was probably..." Kim said.

"Oh, my God. No. It was aliens. I know for sure. Aliens," Khloe said.

"I'm never spending the night here again," Kris said.

"I actually saw a UFO years ago," Khloe said.

"You saw a UFO?" Kris asked Khloe.

"Yeah. So, I'm driving down the hill, and these two things are just hovering. Look how it's moving so slowly," Khloe said as she showed Kris a video on her phone that she filmed of a UFO.

"Yeah," Kris said.

"Then it just... disappears," Khloe said.

"It's not aliens," Kim said.

"But they were hovering for how long? Don't tell me that's a plane," Khloe said, showing the video to Kim.

"I don't know, Khloe," Kris said.

Strange things always happen to me because I'm open to them. Whether it ne spirits, whether it be... Like, seeing UFOs. I'm very excited that my mom is seeing UFOs, 'cause although she doesn't really know what she's seen, but I just think it's cool, and I'm just so intrigued and fascinated.

"Do you think I saw a UFO?" Kris asked Khloe.

"No," Kim answered.

"Same. Well, I have, and I'm going to prove it," Khloe said.

Khloe shows a drunk Kris video on her phone.

Kris is slurring on video.

Kris laughs.

"Why do you show my drunk videos?" Kris asked Khloe.

Everyone laughs.

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Fixation; sequel to Addiction ⍻ Khloe Kardashian & Jey Uso FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now