Fixation ✘ Keeping Up With the Kids

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Fixation ✘ Keeping Up With the Kids

Khloe gave long-term pals Khadija and Malika a grand tour of her brand new property lot, which's situated right next door to her mom's.

"You guys are the first people to see it, even over my sisters," Khloe declared to the twins.

Khloe is building her dream home right next door to Kris and gave the gals a tour of the inside and explained in detail what she envisions for her new home.

"This whole area here will be like just a great room, and then your lookout, and these open [pointing to the floor to ceiling sliding windows] out, and there's a fire pit, pool, and pavilion. It's going to be amazing," Khloe said.

Khloe then guides them further while pointing out her master quarters and her soon-to-be huge glam room and functioning elevator.

As Khloe was finishing off her dream home tour, Kim and Joshua were chatting happily in Kim's garden before being interrupted by a running North and Saint.

A bemused Joshua inquired as to where the adorable kids were running off to, to which Kim replied: "They're just trying to be funny and run through the show."

Joshua then wondered if Kim's kids have wanted to watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians, to which Kim announced that although they might have seen a clip from the show here and there, she is refraining from outright showing them all of it.

"I don't want to have to explain who Kris Humphries is." Kim joked with Joshua, referring to her 72-day marriage to the professional basketball player.

Back at the Malibu house, Khloe returned from visiting her property lot, and Kris shared her frustrations with Khloe about the noisy constructions going on next door.

Khloe encouraged her mom to take a breath and reassured her that everything was fine.

"Mom, I think just for your health, you have to be a bit more positive and don't sweat the small stuff," Khloe told her mom.

Later while Kim, Khloe, Kennedy, and Kourtney enjoyed some lunch and downtime, the sisters got into a heated argument over how Kourtney dealt with Kim's nanny on a recent trip they had taken.

"She said that she felt so degraded by you and you just started yelling at her, you said 'keep your voice down," but before Kim could finish her sentence.

Kourtney interrupted with a blunt, "she's lying." Kourtney said.

The discussion soon turned heated when Kim lashed out at Kourtney - who made a point of stating that she will not allow her kids to be around Kim's nanny - and pointed out that Kourtney can't even keep on a nanny, which triggered Kourtney into storming off camera.

The mediator, Khloe, then went to check on Kourtney and was shocked to find her crying and upset.

Although the sisters were mad at each other, it wasn't long before Kourtney and Kim made up, with Kim seeking out Kourtney to apologize for her words.

That night, the family with the kids sit in the theater room as they lead their youngsters on a nostalgic trip down memory lane, exploring Kourtney and Dwayne's first condo, and watching some throwback clips of some of the more kid-friendly moments of the show.

The next day, Khloe and Joshua finally share with the family they are expecting.

Fixation; sequel to Addiction ⍻ Khloe Kardashian & Jey Uso FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora