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I wake up to a loud branch crack. "Who's there!?" I said, I was not the best fighter but I had some self defense lessons from my father to keep myself safe. I heard foot steps coming closer and got behind Mars. I then see a pink haired man with a pig mask come closer, "Oh I'm so sorry prince technoblade I didn't know it was you" I bow and he says "It's alright I'm sorry for sneaking up on you" he takes a seat on a log and says " This is a beautiful garden" " thank you my father got it for me for my birthday" I reply. We talk a bit more mostly about being royals and how it's getting annoying. I knew stories about how he was a frightening person and to not go near him but he was a really nice guy.

TECHNOS POV (new pov whattt omg)

"I have to go my father is going to start worrying" I say, "All right bye prince technoblade" she says " just call me techno" I say as I wave goodbye and walk away.
I get Carl ( technos horse if you didn't know) and ride him to the nether portal. Once I'm in I go to my father, " hello philza" I say as I tie carl to a tree and feed him a apple. "Hello techno, how was the meeting?" He says "good, king Adam wants me to marry his daughter, princesses Venus, she seems really independent but I like her" I say, I really like her although I don't think she's gonna like the idea of marrying me. " Oh that's... good" Phill says squeaky a bit on the good.

Who would wanna marry you

You have no chance



My god will you all shut up!!

Those are my voices they aren't that helpful all they want is blood and to tease me it gets annoying.
"I guess, I'm gonna go to the library" I reply to my father and just walk out not waiting for a reply. Once I get to the library I sit their and open a book about history. History has always been interesting for me and I love reading books about it.


SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING but I was in class while doing this #peace and love


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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