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Also note this is no specific order.

I wanted to start with what i am Bisexual.

Bisexual mean when someone is attractive to 2 or more genders such as Lesbians gay straight pansexual or genderfluid for example.

Being a Bisexual myself i realised that women and non binary people are cute.

If you like to know my first female crush it was Morgan adams from cutthroat Island. 

I released i was bi back last October  as i was questioning but i was a crush that triggered the Bisexuality.

I got all these facts below from this link above

As we have homophobia and transphobia there will be Biphoia.
58% of Bisexual have experience biphobic jokes and another 31% have been harassed at work.

Bisexual people tend to suffer with mental and physical health problems.

Hey i hoped you enjoyed this chapter i will be doing omnisexual next which should be done soon so please keep an eye out. If you enjoyed this chapter please vote (im not going to force you) i would happily appreciate it. Also if i have missed anything please please let me know so i can add it on here so other peole can know and you (if you like) will receive a shout out please let me know if you would like a shout out so i can arrange it.

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