innocent bunny

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"Lex i don't want to go to poison lab," i say as he's leading me to the classroom. "he's gonna make us kill those poor bunnies in there."
Lex turns around and looks me in the eyes.
"i have an idea." he says as he walks into the lab with his punk ass strut.

"Denke" Lex slams his hands on Denke's desk, gaining everyone's attention. "we're not killing no bloody bunny."
Denke glances at me and then back at his paper and says
"the weak don't belong in Kings Dominion."

Lex turns to me with his eyebrows raised and i push him to the side so i'm in front of the asshole teacher.

"i'm not weak Denke. i was nine when i cut off my step father's dick with his hunting knife and shot him in the head with the gun he used to kill my mother."
the class went silent, you could probably hear a pin drop.

"he was twice your size so with all due respect, i'm not killing an innocent bunny."
"if you have a problem with the Kings curriculum, you can go and talk to Master Lin about it." Denke says giving me a snobby smirk.

"maybe i will go talk to Lin. i'm sure he'd love to know you and Brandy see each other after hours. and we all know it's for extra credit, she couldn't make mellow yellow for the life her." i say looking Denke straight in the eye.
i watched as his smug smile disappeared off his face and into a worried glance across the room.

"just sit in the back and take notes. Lin will hear about you not participating"
"good." i say still smiling. "i have a few more complaints."

for the rest of the class me and Lex sat in back corner and talked about Marcus.

"he's kinda cute." i say putting the end of my pen to my lip, smiling, trying to remember what the new rat looked like.
not that you could forget a face like his.
"yeah if you're into phychos" Lex scoffs, rolling his eyes in disgust.
"oh come on. that curly hair, the smile and oh my god the scar!" i whisper-yell while throwing my hand on his shoulder. i watch as he gives me an unimpressed look.

"what, are you jealous?" i can't help but tease the boy beside me, i mean he's asking for it.
his flexed jaw, his eyes slightly closed; looking straight in my eyes.
"nope" he says popping the 'p'

"right." i say trying to hide my smile. "you're not jealous that all the girls will want him and not you"
i turn my head to face him again but this time he's already looking at me. he's still unamused but i can see he's teasing me, i can see it in his eyes.

"all those drunk girls looking for a hook up. they don't care who, just as long as they get off. but oh no, first person on their mind is the kid with perfect hair and a mysterious past, not our poor Lexie who gets a bit too aggressive when drunk."

Lex doesn't have much time to reply because the bell rings, signifying that the school day is now over.
"let's go watch Marcus get the shit beat out of him."

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