party on the roof

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we didn't end up seeing the fight between Marcus and Chico... if there even was one.  when we finally made it behind the school there was only a few dixie mob kids exchanging racist jokes. 

me and and Lex were currently in the the library studying for an upcoming test in hand to hand combat, which happen to be the only class i was failing and the only class Lex wasn't. 
"so if i were to put you in a head lock, how would you get out with only using your hands?"  Lex asks me as i'm twirling my pen between my fingers like i would a knife.
"i don't know, i'd probably tickle you"  i tell him.
"Blake you can't tickle someone who's trying to kill you"
"why not?"
"because i said so.  come on love you know this, De Luca taught us this not too long ago"  Lex urges me to answer him but i'm too busy blushing from the nickname.

he opened his mouth to tell me the answer but was interrupted by a gasping Billy.  he was red and looked really sweaty like he had been running.

"i've been looking for you two everywhere"  he begins,  "Petra made some moonshine so we're having a party on the roof tonight."  as Billy lets out another gasp for air, Lex looks at me with a wide smile. 

"pack this shit up"  Lex tells me, motioning to my small pile of papers.  "you can finish it in the morning."
my mouth drops.
"no. i need your help"
"get Viktor to help you"  Lex says rolling his eyes at me.
"i don't want Viktor's help."  i whine.
"just go get ready, we need your guy's help setting everything up."  Billy says slightly annoyed.


i was in my dorm room trying to fix my hair when Viktor walks in eyeing me.
"what's got you all dolled up?" he asks jumping on his bed, making it rattle a bit.
"party on the roof tonight"  i try to say while having a bobby pin in my mouth.
"with all those rats?"  he asks with his nose up in disgust.
"those rats are my friends Vik."
"i know you're upset about the whole marriage thing, i am too, but you can't rebel by hanging out with rats. their dirty."  Viktor tells me whispering the last part to make a point.
"but i like dirty"  i shoot back with an innocent look and a wink.

"come to the party."  i suggest after a moment of silence.
"i don't know Blake-"
"just think about it okay?  if it helps at all, Petra made moonshine and Maria bought cupcakes."  i say trying my best to persuade him to come.
"i have to help everyone set up so i'll see you tonight"  i give him a quick peck on the check and leave.


after picking the music with Petra and getting the plastic cups from the kitchen, people started to show up; including Lex.

he was supposed to come early like i had, but he doesn't listen to Billy.
he was dressed in dark jeans and a black Nirvana t-shirt with his classic leather jacket that has multiple spikes around the collar. 
i start thinking about the first time i stole the jacket without his permission.  he panicked because he thought he had lost it and was pretty mad when he saw me wearing it the next day, he didn't yell though, surprisingly. 

i was snapped out of my thoughts when Billy asked if we had enough cups, when i looked in the direction he was pointing at, their was three big towers of red solo cups.
"i think that's plenty.  people need to learn to reuse anyways."  i mumble to him glancing back in the direction that Lex was in, but he wasn't there anymore.

i felt someone throw their arm around me and whisper in my ear  "hello love."

god i love it when he calls me that

"you look bloody breathtaking by the way.  who knew Blake could pull off something this sexy"  the spiky haired boy says loud enough for our friends to hear.
"pretty sure all of us did."  Billy says out loud, but looks stunned after he spoke.  i blow him a kiss which he catches and winks at me.

"can i be the one to take it off of you?"  Lex whispers once again in my ear.
"don't get your hopes up."  i say patting his shoulder which makes him playfully roll his eyes at me with a goofy smile on his face. 

after a while Marcus showed up and started dancing with Maria, but i still haven't seen Viktor yet.
i only half listen to Petra and Lex while they fight about some band as i look through the crowd trying to see if the tall Russian decided to come after all. 

i was about to give up when i heard the metal door open and slam shut, when i look over i see a nervous Viktor. 
he was never one to like big crowds, although he goes to almost every party.
i quickly slip away from Lex's grasp, telling him i would be right back.

"you made it!"  i yell over the loud music.
"yeah i couldn't say no to sweets, plus i figured you'd be mad if i didn't show up."  Viktor tells me nervously picking at his nails.
"aw you total softie"  i playfully mock him.
"yeah yeah"  he says waving my hand away.  "i don't plan on staying long, just enough to say i was here and have one of those cupcakes."  he tells me sternly.
"then let's get one before Shabnam eats them all."

we push through the crowd to get to the cupcakes where, coincidentally Lex was now standing.  and he looked pissed.

"you didn't say Russian boy was coming."  Lex says angrily shoving a cupcake in his mouth, slowly chewing it while glaring at Viktor.
"i wasn't sure he was going to come."  i say laughing nervously.  Lex and Viktor didn't like each other, and were almost always fighting. 
"and miss you drunkenly singing girls just want to have fun?"  Viktor says smiling down at me.
"Blake isn't getting drunk tonight."  Lex tells us, making both of our heads snap to look at him.
"she needs to study for Miss De Luca's test tomorrow, and i don't think she'll be able to concentrate with a hangover." 

i wasn't aware this was the case

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