party on the roof pt.2

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i watched as Lex walked up to some girl he's probably going to fuck later tonight.
normally him hooking up with everyone willy-nilly doesn't bother me, but right now i feel a weird sensation in my stomach that makes me want to go up and punch that whore.

"i'm sorry, what were u saying?" i put on a fake smile and try to focus on Viktor and the party.
"i asked if you wanted to dance." he says softly taking my hand and leading me to where the others were dancing.

Viktor is very different when he's with me versus when he's around other people. the Viktor i know and love is kind and gentle and protective. he loves sweets and will sit with me for hours trying to tutor me. but the Viktor the rest of the school knows is an ignorant jackass and a bully.
me and Vik fight about this quite a bit, he says he needs to make everyone fear him so that they respect him; i disagree.


it was getting late, most people had either gone to their dorms or passed out on their way.

i had somehow convinced Viktor to stay with me till the end of the party considering Lex was actively avoiding me.  my solution to my best friend avoiding me?
i got drunk out of mind just for spite.

"i'm getting tired"  i try mumbling into Vik's chest.
Vik lifts his arms from the sides of my hips to the sides of my cheeks, gently lifting my head up so he can see my face.
"you wanna go back to our dorm?" 
"yes please."

i feel his big arm wrap around my waist trying to help me keep my balance.  Vik was visibly drunk aswell but he could always handle his liquor, i guess that's the Russian in him.


"shhh"  Viktor shushes me as i'm practically peeing my pants laughing because i had just tripped going down the stairs.
"you're going to wake everyone up."  though his tone was serious, he was also smiling widely at me.

Vik picks me up bridal style and lays me down on my bed carefully.
"you know one day i'll pick you up like this and you'll be in a big white gown."  he mumbles to me while pushing the hair out of my face.
"i'm going to take some of your clothes off but only so you can sleep comfortably okay?" 
all i do is nod.
"use your words."  he says.
"i understand."
"good girl."  he whispers softly.

Vik and i have fooled around quite a bit in the past, it's no secret that we are undeniably attracted to each other.  however, after we found out from our fathers that we were to be married, we decided to stop. 
i can't remember why though.
because right now, watching him slowly undo my shirt and slip off my tights is making me question everything.

he was about to walk away when i grabbed his hand whispering for him to stay with me.
"i don't think that's such a good idea Blake."
"you know why" 
"would that be so bad?"  i can feel my face fall into a frown.
"you're intoxicated and not thinking clearly"
"you're intoxicated too"
"i'm not the one slurring my words"  he states as he stands there and watches me.

i stretch my bare legs out, wrap them around his waist and pull him down so he's on top of me.
i don't say a word, i just watch as his eyes dart from my lips to my eyes.
he pulls back once again, still mumbling to himself that this is wrong, but if it's wrong then why does it feel so right?

"i could always just call Lex instead"  i say only to get a rise out of him, he got me all hot bothered so this is what he gets.

his head instantly whips around to look at me.  he walks up to the edge of my bed looking like he's going to punch me, but instead, he aggressively pulls me in for a passionate kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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