8th dungeon captured

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Meliana and Judal was on an Island called Parassita in a dungeon Named Sakiana. Many dungeon captures tried capturing only to be possessed by the Djjin that thought they were unworthy. When Judal and Meliana entered it was like a whole nother world unlike the others this one was filled with blood and gore and looked like a battle field the farther you go the more dangerous and bloody it became all the people possessed by Sakiana calls her mother for she is the mother blade of all blades they will only obeyed her and her only. Soon they made it towards the top were Meliana must prove she is worthy by being cut by the sword and not be possessed if she pass the sword will go inside her and the only love she'll feel is Familial Love Sakiana Love and her Mate or Mates Love. When the sword slash her on her thigh she felt a voice in her head say kill all who love Judal. But she didn't want him to hate her so she started resisting it till the voice went away and the sword went in her heart and stayed there till called on. After capturing that dungeon Judal took them home on the carpet while letting her rest till they were home. When they got home Meliana headed straight to the throne room was and bowed to Kouen Koumei and Kouha who was waiting for her arrival.

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