Part III

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Today me and Luna are leaving for Tulsa. We got my stuff from my ex house when my dad wasn't there. She got her stuff ready. We got in the car and soon were on the freeway. It was silent before she spoke. "So Sam can't wait to see Nikki right" she said.
"Yea I'm so happy it's been 5 years since I've seen her" I said smiling. We talked about her son his name was Bob sheldon. She said I would meet him if I'd like. Of cores I had to say yea. She took me in when I needed a home and now she's bringing me to see my sister. We were already in Virginia and it's been at least 8 hours.

We stopped about 3 times for food and gas. It was around 7 in Tennessee and it started to get dark so we pulled up to a motel for the night. "I'll take the couch sam" luna said.
"Are you crazy your going to be driving tomorrow you'll need your sleep plus I can't make you sleep on the couch after you've been so nice to me" I said hugging her. "thanks sweetie" she said and got in the bed. I on the other hand couldn't even find a comfortable positionon the couch. I kept tossing and turning all night. I soon fell asleep at 1 in the morning oh great I'm going to feel like crap.

I woke up with a weird feeling in my neck. I got up to stretch it abd I couldn't move it it hurt so much. I look over to the bed and it's made I hired the shower turn on. Hope she had a good night sleep. I got up and waited for Luna to be finished I turned on the tv to the news channel. "There has been a car accident on the free way this morning at 6 o'clock people driving to wards Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Mississippi will have to go on the 580 west route" the news reporter said. The bathroom door opened. "guess well take the 580 it's won't be as fast as the free way but well still get there"vluna said drying her hair. "Yea ima take a showe" I said closing the door. Once the Walter hit my back I felt my goose bumps rise up. The warm water felt so good agents my skin. I was about done when I felt this stinging sensation on my leg. I look down and there's this big ass spider on my leg and blood is running down (who fucking hates slides I know I do) my leg. I freaked out. I screamed for Luna she busted the door down. She's strong for her age. "What's wrong sam" she asked. "THERES A BUG ON ME GET IT OFF" I said pulling the curtains. She looked at my leg and laughed. "What are you laughing at" I said looking at her with wide eyes. "honey this is nothing compared to the bugs in the subway in new york" she said pulling it off me. "I'm bleeding though" I said. "Don't worry about that now get out of the shower I feel like your going to take a long time like your mom did" she said. I smiled at the thought of my mom Every time someone mentioned her i smile. I soon rinsed my self and got out. I put my clothes on and walked in the bathroom to do my hair. I let it dry and put it in a high pony. I had on a white shirt with black jeans and black boots. I walked out and luna was waiting for me. "you done hun" she asked me. "yep". We walked out to the car. "we'll be on the road for about and hour and we'll stop for brunch" she said starting the car. "ok ima sleep that couch put a dent in my neck" I said laughing which made her laugh. I soon fell asleep with Elvis on the radio singing to love me tender (really good song check it out).

I woke up and saw we were still on the road it was 1 o'clock. "How long have I been sleeping" I asked luna. "well about five hours I don't want to wake you up went I stopped so I ordered for you double cheese burger with fries and a chocolate milk shake" she said. I looked at her wide eyed. "How did you know" I asked her. "When me and your mom were in school we would order that from the diner" she said. "I miss her a lot" I said. "I miss her to I remember her saying she was going to name her baby girl Samantha" she said. Now I had a big smile on. "Were are we" I asked biting down on my burger. "we are on the border or Arkansas so we are going into Oklahoma in 5 minute" she said. I was so happy we were closer to seeing Nikki. It just hit me that Luna and Nikki are cousins (I didn't know if it was second cousins or first). I saw the "welcome to Oklahoma" sign. We were finally in the sate. Now we have to go to Tulsa.

We were on the road for 2 days in exhausted. We were driving to Tulsa it took about 2 hours from the border. I looked through the window and saw a bunch of trees. I was thinking about my family. About how my mom died than my brother left know I'm leaving new York is not the place to be. I always have dreams about finding my brother but I don't even know were he is he could be in another country for all I know. I saw the "welcome to Tulsa" sign and a big smile crept on my face. "We're hear!" I said getting exited. I saw Luna smile. I wonder what her son looked like. I saw that people hear dress all fancy the houses are so nice. We stopped at a house that looked like a mansion and Luna got out. "BOB" she called out. I got out and when I turned a guy with blond hair was coming out of the house with really fancy clothing on. "mom hey you hear" he said hugging her. Ge looked over at me. "who's this" he said looking me up and down. Oh no he didn't. "This is Samantha Sam this is bob my son" she said. I shook his hand and he winked at me. I kinda chuckled and got my suit case out. "where's your father" Luna asked bob. "he's at the country club" he said getting one of her suit cases. "that old man can still play" she said laughing witch caused me and bob to laugh. We walked in and my mouth dropped. I was speech less. Bob walked up to me. "have you ever been a big house like this" he asked. "no it's so pretty" I said walking around. My eyes were glowing. I felt bobs eyes on me. I turned around and his eyes were places were they should be. "hey my eyes are up hear bud" I said smiling. "your funny sam" he said. "so tell me about yourself" he said sitting down. "well I'm from New York I'm 18 I have a 19 year old brother I don't even know where he is um I ran away from home 2 days ago and your mom took me in. and now I'm hear" I said. "who's your brother" he said.
"Um Dallas Winston I don't know if you know him" as I said that bobs eyes grew wide. "the greaser" he said with his mouth wide open. Greaser what the hell is that.n"whats a greaser" I asked. "You don't get out much huh" he said smiling. He told me about the socs and greaser war. and how the greasers act all tuff and are hoods and how they jump socs for kicks. I wonder what Nikki is. "do you know Nikki Anderson" I asked him. "yea she's dating Dallas" he said. Now my eyes widened. My brother is dating my best friend. what the hell. "bob can you take me to them" I asked batting my eye lashes. "listen Sam socs really don't hang around no good hoods" he said. "are you calling my brother and best friend hoods listen up hear buddy I rather be a hood than some nasty ass soc I saw socs beating some guy up today what you call that and you say greasers are the ones who jump you guys" I said getting up and grabbing my bag and walking out.

Now where the hell am I going to go. this is just great.

Hope you guys like it.

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