Big Break?

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I get home and throw my keys on the counter. I carefully put my little box full of my things in the same spot as the keys.
"I can't believe this." I open my phone to call my mom.

"Hello?" Her soothing voice comes through the speaker.
"Hey mom, I uh quit my job."
Silence fills my ear.
"Jesse invited me to his apartment tonight so I can record a song to see if the record label will take me."
"That's great honey! I just know that they will want you! You've always had an amazing voice since you were 5." I feel tears in my eyes from her sweet words.
"Yeah I'm hoping that too. Well I'm gonna clean my place before I go. So I'll talk to you later. I love you!"
"I love you too! Let me know what happens!!"
"I will." I end the call.

Taking a deep breath through my nose before I get my dishes done.

*knock knock*
"Who the hell is that?" I dry my hands and walk around the fridge.

I look through the peep hole and see it's Jesse.
"Hey. What's up?"
"Hey Juno. My brother is coming a bit early and he wanted to do it here." He smiles.
"Why?" I furrow my brows.
"He said people can be thrown off by not being in comfort and wants you to do your best because he's read a couple lyrics of yours."
"How did he see that?" I guide him inside my place to sit down.
"Well I took some pictures of your lyrics that you would doodle at work.."
"JESSE!!" I get him a cup of coffee.
"I'm sorry. Please don't be mad. I just really thought the words spoke to me on the page." He adds sugar and cream to the mug.
"It's alright. I'm not mad." I take a sip from my cup.
"He will be here soon." Jesse checks his phone.
"Can you help me clean? Like take the vacuum and do the rug? I hate having a messy place when people are coming over." I put my hands back into the sink and continue washing the dishes.
"Yes of course! I can't wait for him to be here. Remember me when you're famous." He laughs.
I laugh in return.

*knock knock*
"That's him!" Jesse jumps up from the couch.
"Ok ok I'm freaking out." I try to take big breaths through my nose and out my mouth.
"Hello. I'm Jackson, Jesse's brother. Do you have a studio? Or somewhere we can set up a few things?" He smiles in a warm way.
"Kind of sort of. I can bring everything out into the living room?"
"That would be great! I'll help you." Jackson smiles once again.

After the recording
"Wow." Jackson takes off his headphones.
"So? Is that a good thing?"
"Yes! Yes it is! I'd love to do more with this demo because it has so much potential! I'm in town for a while so I'll give you my card if you want to pursue. Please please please pursue this because your voice is so beautiful. I have a few different sounds I'd love to pair with this." The twinkle in his eye with creativity pushed me to say yes.

After packing up he passes me his card.
"Please call! Like I said you have such talent that I'd hate to go to waste."
"I will definitely call." I give him the biggest grin.
"Perfect! I'll see you later!" He closes the door behind in.
"See ya."

Holy shit, I can't believe this!!! I gotta bring my other song ideas to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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