2. Rules

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A/N flashbacks in italics, this one is juicy.

The first time you saw Aaron Hotchner was your first day of sophomore year, he was a senior and you were the new girl, he was intrigued. You were shy, and he noticed you were afraid to talk to people. His interest truly peaked when you befriended Hayley, his ex-girlfriend. You never forgot the moment you first saw him, he was with his younger brother in the music room. The second you walked in they stopped talking and stared at you. "I uhm, sorry I just needed something," you mutter. Aaron smirked at you, walking towards you. "You're new," he says. You look at him, swallowing the lump in your throat. "Aaron, leave her alone," Hayley says from the doorway. You look between them, noticing the tension. She smiles at you, "You okay?" You nod, following her out of the room, glancing back at the men before you left. Something was there, and you were determined to figure it out.

"You should come out with us kid," Rossi says smiling at you. You quickly look up to Hotch's window, he was buried in paperwork. "He doesn't go with us much," JJ tells you with a smile. You smile at her, standing as you grab your things. "Where are we going?" you ask. Derek puts an arm around you, "There's a bar down the street, we go there more than we should."

Seated around the table with the team you felt nervous, like how Hotch made you feel in high school. You couldn't help but eye the empty seat, where you assumed he would sit. "So, Y/N, where did you move here from," Emily asks. You turn to her with a smile, "Manassas, but I moved to San Diego for a long time." You pretend not to notice the way they all look at each other at the mention of Hotch and your hometown. "What made you leave Virginia," Spencer asks with a small smile. You sigh trying to think of a lie, "A lot happened, I guess I just grew out of the town and the state." You hear Hotch clear his throat behind you. "Hotch, man did you know you and Y/N grew up in the same town?" Derek asks. You turn to the man behind you slowly, praying he keeps up his end of the deal. "I didn't. Small world." You turn quickly, avoiding his eyesight. "I wonder if you ever went to school together," JJ says. "Well, I skipped grades a lot, By the time I graduated high school I was only 13," you shrug. Rossi and Derek laugh at Spencer, "Well genius I guess you got competition." You smile softly, glancing at Hotch as he takes the empty seat you had been eyeing.

"Y/N!" Aaron yelled after you. You froze in your spot on the sidewalk. Turning slowly you saw him running to catch up with you. "How do you know my name," you whisper. He smiles at you, "I asked around about you. Where did you move here from?" He asks. You scrunch your nose, why was he asking about you. "I've lived here my whole life," you shrug. "Why have I never seen you before now?" You kick at the pebble in front of you, turning away from him. "I skipped a few grades. I'm supposed to skip to senior classes but I have to do sophomore curriculum for a month first," you explain. "Huh, so you're smart and pretty," he says with a smirk.

The whole team was drunk, well almost everyone. You and Hotch watched as everyone got into cabs, you could feel him eyeing you though. "Come on, I'll give you a ride," he offers. You were in his car, sitting at a red light when you finally spoke. "How did she die," you ask softly. You notice his grip tighten on the steering wheel. "No, we aren't talking about this," he snaps. You sigh, tears forming in your eyes. "She was my best friend Hotch, up until that night," you tell him. He sighs, clutching the wheel tighter if that was even possible. "There was a case, we had been divorced for about a year but he," he pauses. "He went into our home, he killed her and he wanted to kill Jack." You turn to look out the window, tears falling down your face. You feel the sob wrack your body and then he's pulling over. "Y/N..." he puts a hand on your shoulder. You pull away from him. "No, don't touch me. You lost every right to touch me ever again that night."

You could hear the sirens in the back, they kept getting closer. All you could do was look between the blood on your hands, and the man cleaning the blood off your face. "Aaron," you whisper. He looks up at you, his eyes a black hole of sadness. Or maybe it was anger, you couldn't tell with all the blood splattered on his face. "This changes everything," he tells you.

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