Chapter 3: Nobody's Friend

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"Deputy, they will kill me," Faith told Rook as they were driving down the road, about 3 miles away from the Hope County Jail. Rook quivered in his mouth and looked back at faith before quickly looking back at the road.

"Wh-what?! Naaaah they aren't gonna kill you b-I...I mean Faith. Will they be mad at you? Probably, but they aren't gonna kill you..." Rook said jokingly to try to curb the fears of Faith but Faith just looked at Rook in distress.

"So you did all of this, all this showmanship just so you could bring me to prison?" Faith said with a sad tone in her voice. She frowned a little bit and just looked outside her window.

"What! No! I just don't have anywhere to stay! This is all I have Faith!" Rook yelled at Faith, which didn't help anything. She shot Rook a look of hopelessness and just continued to look outside of her window.

"Listen, Faith, I am not gonna let anyone hurt you, you are very important to me right now. I pulled you out of the Bliss to save you, and now I am trying to help you heal. Sometimes you must face those whom you inflicted harm on. But you will not be hurt, I won't allow it. I will take the beating for you if I have to."

Faith looked back at Rook, much longer than before. A concerned look on her face gave Rook a mix of emotions.


Rook pulled into the County Jail driveway. Two armed resistance members were watching from the watchtowers that were on either side of the heavily fortified exterior wall. In the middle was a large metal door. One that had been mostly welded shut in order to avoid future attacks from Eden's gate.

Rook parked the car just outside the prison. Faith looked back at Rook and grabbed his arm.

"Please...I am going to get hurt, Deputy, I will be grabbed, thrown in a cell, and who knows what will happen to me after." Faith said, pleading to Rook not to take her to the Jail.

"Faith, if they will not take you in, then we will leave, I will find somewhere for us to stay. But right now, this is the best place for us. We have food, medicine, and the cells are our rooms so you will be in one anyway."

Rook tried his best to calm her nerves as he got out of the car. Walking around to the other side he opened the passenger door and took Faith's hand, helping her out of the car.

Sheriff Whitehorse was the first to come out of the County Jailhouse and greet Rook.

"Rook! Where the hell have you been!? Dr. Lindsey has been wanting to try out the new serum for the Bliss an-Jesus H Christ! What the fuck is she doing here!"

Sheriff Whitehorse went from sarcastically mad to actually mad. Which caught the attention of the watchtower guards. Which proceeded to immediately aim their sniper rifles at Faith Seed. Two red dots pointed directly at her forehead.

Rook quickly got in front of Faith, with the snipers down aiming directly at his chest, they laid off. But Sheriff Whitehorse was not through with Rook.

"Rook! What the fuck is wrong with you? Did she finally poison your mind that now you would take a 50. caliber round to the heart!?" The Sheriff said, dazed and confused himself now. He was thinking he was on some Bliss trip of his own after what he was seeing in front of him.

"Sheriff! I ended the Bliss, Faith is no longer a member of Eden's gate. I watched that 'paradise' turn gray and disappear in an instant after! I am giving Faith a shot at redemption. She is not like John or Jacob, she is just as much a victim of the Bliss as any other person in the Henbane!" Rook shouted at Sheriff Whitehorse with authority but respect. The Sheriff just didn't know what to say, he turned his back for a moment and then turned back to the Deputy.

"Listen...Rook, I told you before and I will tell you again. I will always have your back on any decision you make. We would not be knocking on Joseph's compound now without you and you alone. I am confused, but whatever you have planned, I guess we'll just have to see how it goes, but do not forget about the gun in your holster if this atonement trip goes south!" Whitehorse told Rook. Whitehorse then turned back to the prison.

"Open the locks!"

A loud click rang into the afternoon skies as the outside door locks turned off. Rook took Faith's hand and walked her to the prison wall door. Faith held onto Rook's arm tight as resistance members shot nasty glares at the former Herald of the Henbane.

They were walking inside the main jail cell complex when Faith and another woman locked eyes.

Tracey Lader was none too pleased to see Faith Seed at the Hope County Prison.

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