Chapter 3

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Remy was not coping well with Emile's absence. The loneliness of the house was too much for him, really, and it was not so slowly destroying him, chipping him away day by day. Remy didn't have a significant other, nor did he want one in his life, at least, not yet. He wasn't ready for a proper relationship even if he found someone. Another thought had crossed his mind, but he refused to do that, for Emile's sake, even if he never woke. He never really had anyone in his life. Until now, Emile had been everything he needed.

Remy had considered the idea of a pet, as so many people had suggested, but he was never home enough. It would be cruel to any animal to put them in a new home where'd they'd only neglected. It had been a week or so since the incident and Emile was still in this coma. It was insane how much damage had been done to his body, but thats Florida weather for you. Remy had been at work when he'd gotten a phone call. He instantly set aside his work when he read the caller ID. Remy was both fearing for the worst and excited for the best as he picked up and pushed out a shaky hello.

"Remy Picani?" the speaker greeted.

"This is he," Remy responded.

"Mr. Picani, there has been a complication with Emile." Remy's heart sank.

"Complication? What happened? Will he be okay?" he asked all at once.

"Potentially, but time is of the essence," the speaker answered the last of his questions, "Dr. Ishaw wishes to meet with you immediately."

"Tell him im on the way, be there in twenty, scratch that, fifteen," Remy muttered as he stood and started swiftly gathering his things. He wrapped up the conversation with the speaker and hung up. Remy didn't wait to bolt out of the building, only telling his supervisor that his brother was in the hospital and he needed to be there. Remy didn't care if he was fired, at this point. Emile was all that mattered.


After his adventure with Roman, Emile had been filled with new life and new energy. He hardly spent any time in his room now, passing his time with the other spirit guides instead, slowly growing more comfortable and growing more confidence around each of them. By halfway through the second week, Emile found himself outside Janus' room. He was nervous, to say the least. Janus may turn him away, but if he didn't, this is was his chance to find Remy again. It had to work. Emile chewed his lip nervously before lifting his fist and knocking gently three times. The lock popped instantly, making Emile flinch, and then the door slowly creaked open a few inches to reveal a dark room, inviting him into the almost completely pitch black. Emile swallowed the lump in his throat and pushed the door open more to step inside. This was his first time being in one of the others' rooms, and he had no idea what to expect from Janus of all people.

"Emile, how unexpected. I haven't been planning to see you at all," Janus mused from his bed where he was pulling on his gloves casually, perched on the edge of the mattress. Emile jumped and whipped around to face him.

"Huh?" Emile hummed, confused by Janus' tone and words. Then he recalled a key fact about the snake-faced man. Janus primarily spoke in lies, opposites and sarcasm. If that was the case here, the conversation made more sense. Emile nodded his head to himself. "Oh, I get it. I-uhm, well, hi, do you how do?" Emile asked. Janus chuckled at the question. The sound was smooth and dark, almost intimidating but not in a way that made one want to cower, but instead, invited one closer.

"I am quite terrible," Janus smiled. "Now, I don't at all assume you are here to ask about rituals." Emile fiddled with his hands bashfully.

"Well, it's just, you see, Logan said-"

"I am unaware of what Logan has said," Janus told him. Janus stood and stretched casually before adjusting his gloves again. Emile found the habit, which he had noticed Janus did religiously at seemingly random times throughout the day, quite odd. Eyes falling to the scales on bis face, Emile couldn't stop himself from speaking.

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