Chapter 8

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Emile groaned. His head was absolutely pounding. The beeping was there too, but it was quieter now. Emile clenched and relaxed his hands a few times. He attempted to open his eyes, but the light he was greeted with was far too intense and he hissed as he closed his eyes again.

"Emi?" Remy whispered. Emile's eyes shot open and he turned his head in Remy's direction. He still squinted his eyes due to the light, but even so, he could make out Remy's signature leather jacket.

"Remy?" Emile croaked out, his voice feeling like it hadn't been used in days. Emile pushed his body up even as his muscles screamed at him to stop moving.

"Oh my gods, Emi!" Remy screamed, lunging forward and hugginging Emile in a practically crushing embrace. Emile hugged his brother back as tightly as he could in his weakened state. It was painful but worth it. "I missed you so much," Remy murmured, his cheek pressed against Emile's hair. "I was so scared." A whimper escaped Remy's lips as he pressed them to Emile's head. "I was so scared," he repeated.

"Me too," Emile muttered. Remy slowly released Emile, but kept his hands on his shoulders, as if he might try to run away otherwise.

"What happened, Emile?" Remy asked. Emile's breath caught in his throat.

"N-nothing, ju-"

"Emile," Remy said sternly. Emile sighed.

"Kristain. He and his group jumped me after school. It wasn't that bad, but it was a bad day. I-I jus-just wanted some time a-alone," Emile cried, tearing up, "I-I n-n-never me-eant t-to-" Remy cut him off with another hug.

"Shh, it's okay. I got you. I got you. Let's just get you home, okay?" Emile nodded. The process of discharging Emile took a lot longer than Remy felt like it should have, but he didn't entirely mind. Emile was safe, now. He was alive and conscious, and right now, that was all that mattered. As they made their way to Remy's car, Emile thought about how lonely Remy must have been.

"I wasn't alone, just so you know. When I was in my coma and all," Emile told his brother as he got into the passenger side of the car, "just so you don't have to worry. Im sorry you were probably all alone, though." Remy gave him a puzzled look.

"What on Earth do you mean 'not alone'?" he asked, confused.

So Emile explained, as Remy began to drive. He explained how he arrived in the In-Between, and what the In-Between was. He described Patton, and Logan, and the twins, and Virgil, and Janus. He told him of the adventures he'd gone on, big and small. He explained having even made pie of the first time. He briefly recounted the stories of the other souls as well. Remy's face twisted more and more into concern. Emile hadn't finished until they got home. Remy pulled into the driveway and turned off the engine before turning to his brother.

"Emile, you do realize it was just a coma dream, right? Because you talk about these people as if they are real-"

"They are!" Emile exclaimed. "They're real, I met them!" Remy shook his head.

"No, Emile, they're not. I know everything is very confusing right now, but you just came out of a coma. Your subconscious probably just imagine that world and those people," he reasoned. Emile had heard of that kind of thing before, bur even as doubt settled in, he didn't want to believe it.


"No, I don't want to fight you Emi." Remy said sternly. He sighed. "Look, let's just go inside, alright? You heard the doctor, you need to rest." Emile silently sighed and nodded. He was too tired to fight anyways. Remy smiled and leaned forward to hug Emile again. "I'm so happy to have you back, Emi. It feels like a dream."

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