Chapter 4

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"Emile's body suffered rather severe damage from the heat stroke,"  Dr. Ishaw explained to Remy, his voice almost too calm for the situation at hand. "The muscle tissue of both his kidneys is damaged. We were not able to scan him until recently after the swelling of other areas had died down. We have attempted to repair the damage, but the attempt was unsuccessful. His kidneys are permanently damaged and have entered kidney failure. His only chance is organ transplant, otherwise, he will die in a few days. As his legal guardian, we need your written consent for this procedure."

"Oh gods," Remy gasped. "He really is going to die if he doesn't get the transplant? Are you sure?" He didn't want to believe it- any of it. Emile was all he had, he couldn't loose him.

"Unfortunately, yes. I am sorry we could not find another way." Remy blinked away more tears behind his sunglasses and nodded, accepting the reality laid before him.

"O-okay." His voice wavered as he spoke. "There is no other choice, then. Where's the paperwork?" The doctor handed Remy a clipboard and a pen. As Remy read the papers, Dr. Ishaw continued.

"Mr. Picani, I will be honest with you. The system of organ donors is slow and inconsistent. There is no guarantee that we will find him a proper donor in time. As his next of kin, if we ensure you are compatible, you are the most eligible, if you would be willing to do the procedure. Your donation would ensure he gets the organ he needs to survive." Remy's hands were shaking as he hesitantly nodded. He was terrified. For Emile, he told himself. Emile needed him to do this if he was going to even have a chance to live.

"Okay. I'll do it." Remy choked out. "Where's the paperwork?"


Emile had fallen into a routine of adventuring with Roman every other day, and meeting with Janus as often as he allowed. It was slow progress, almost unnoticeable, but occasionally, something would happen, and though he solemn realized it, Emile was getting closer and closer. Emile had been spending more time growing further comfortable with the spirit guides, though a few of them were still intimidating to him, even if he wouldn't admit it to their faces. One of those was Virgil.

He didn't seem deranged and dangerous in the way Remus was or backhanded like Janus, but his withdrawn and quite yet fierce nature made it hard for Emile to really get a proper concept of him, so he kept his distance unless Patton or Logan was present, as they seemed to understand and decipher him the best out of all of them. Emile also noticed that the emo (this was a term he'd noticed the others used endearingly) often squabbled with the rest of them. It seemed he and Janus and Remus had a sort of unspoken history that no one cared to reveal, and while it did peak Emile's interest, he was in no position to ask about it. Virgil also fought with Roman, occasionally, the flamboyant personality clashing against Virgil dark and brooding sense of self, but in the end, they'd always make up with each other, Patton often acting as a catalyst for their treaties.

His new life, inna sense, had started to settle down. Emile had started to loose sense of time in the In-Between, Logan being the only one with a strange sort of automated calendar which was kept in his room, but he proposed it was somewhere just after two weeks when there was a new soul.

Emile had been on the couch reading a book he'd found in his room, Janus on the far side of the couch seemingly asleep, Virgil assisting Patton the kitchen when he heard a door open. He though nothing of it until he heard a small sob sniffle, making him look up. It was a young girl, maybe six, black braids falling over her shoulders. She was clutching a stuffed bunny wearing a dress that matched her own simple yellow dress. She sniffled again and her lips trembled as she looked up with watery green eyes, tears on her cheek. Emile gasped and placed his book down immediately. He was confused as to where she'd come from, but he walked over to her and crouched in front of her anyways. She looked terrified.

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