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you smiled, as you walked into the theatre. "can you emotionally support me?" you asked him. he laughed. "i'll try," he jokingly agreed. "i'm not good with horror movies," you admitted.

he laughed. "me neither, the guts and blood i can handle. i've seen it!" he answered. you grinned awkwardly.

that was something a suspect would say.

the movie began, and you couldn't take it halfway through. billy could tell how tense you were, so he held your sleeve for you.

you put your head on his shoulder. he smiled, and he kissed your hand. you closed your eyes tight.

he laughed. "too scary?" he whispered. you nodded. he lifted your head up, and held your chin by his thumb.
"let's get out of here," he suggested. you nodded in agreement.

so, you left. "that was something," he sarcastically said. you nodded. "horror movies aren't my cup of tea," you mumbled. he stopped you. "what if your whole life was a horror movie? huh?" he manipulated. you were shocked. this wasn't normal.

"billy, calm down!" you suggested. he sighed. "i'm sorry," he apologized. "i just-i just get like this," he admitted.

"but let's say, not saying i am, but what if i was the killer?" he said. you scrunched your eyebrows together. "well, um, i would, i guess, still love you," you admitted. he smirked.

"why do you ask? are you?" you wondered. he stopped you. "i wouldn't just murder athena out of no where," he breathed. he looked deeply into your eyes, and grabbed your cheek with his hand. he pulled you into a deep kiss.
you kissed him back.

you nodded. "right, okay," you agreed. he paused.  "you won't ever believe me, huh?" he argued. "no, no bill"- you tried to say, but he stopped you. "y/n! i would never hurt anybody," he disagreed.

you looked down, but he lifted your cheek up. "i wouldn't," he swore. you nodded, staring into his eyes. if he was, i could change him.

but you knew he wasn't. he couldn't.

red - billy loomisWhere stories live. Discover now