Love is a tensioned web

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Nate:G-Gwen?!'re Spider-Woman?!"

*I can't wrap my head around this, how? When? Did she plan on telling you? Is our relationship possibly ruined? I'm so confused.

Gwen:"N-Nate?! You're the Emerald Spider?!"

Nate:"'s a long story...I'll explain  the basics, so basically I got bit by a spider on that Stark industries field trip, then like any sane teenager would've done, I decided to become a superhero...I decided to become Spider-Man"

Gwen:" you ever going to tell me?"

*I saw the slight disappointment in her eyes, what was I going to tell her? the truth or what she wanted to hear?

Nate:"I wanted to tell you, I really did, but I was afraid that would put you in danger, I didn't want to wrap you up into my mess of a life"I say all this looking down in guilt.

Gwen:"...I understand, you were trying to protect me, and I love you for that"she kisses me on the cheek.

Nate:"y-you do? I...Thanks for understanding, I was afraid you would be mad"I smile awkwardly.

Gwen:"oh no I am, I just can't be too mad considering I technically did the same"

Nate:"..oh, it could be worse...well I need to head home, I'll see you tomorrow?"

Gwen:"yeah, I'll see you then"she puts her mask on and swings off.

I sigh with passion blushing a bit, she's the only one who could make me blush like that.

Nate:"..I'm distracted...I should head home" I web a building and swing back home, I land on the wall next to my window opening it and climbing inside, taking my suit off and putting it in my bag.

Nate:"'s relax time"I lay down exhausted, almost immediately falling asleep.


Nate:"I'm up! I'm up!"I shut off my alarm hearing my mom call my name.

Mom:"Nathaniel! Get ready for school, you don't want to be late!"

Nate:"coming!"I put my pants on then throw on a Black Sabbath shirt and a black and green hoodie over it, and head downstairs.

Nate:"morning mom"I grab breakfast and eat quickly.

Mom:"morning honey, and eat slow before you choke"

Nate:"I gotta make it on time"I say already finishing my food.

Nate:"I'll see you after school, love you mom"I open the door grabbing my skateboard on the way out.

Mom:"love you honey, stay safe"

Nate:"will do"I close the door behind me and make my way there on my board, getting there as fast as I can.

Nate:"just need to meet up with Gwen, and we can talk more about everything"

*god I hope she's not gonna break up with me for lying, that would, don't think like that, stay optimistic Nate, you always are.

I make it to school getting to my favorite class physics, specifically theoretical, like David Deutch's Many Worlds Theory, which theorizes many universes some similar, exactly the same or completely different all along side one another divided by dimensional planes aka walls that don't allow you to see each other, I messed around with trying to open a door between walls to visit other universes, I hope it works at some point.

Nate:"hey Gwen"I sit down in my seat which happened to be next to hers and my best friend, Kyle Tran, speak of the devil he just sat next to me.

Gwen:"hey Nate, it's nice to see you"

*she seemed a bit more relaxed around you, maybe because she no longer had to lie now that you knew, and I no longer had to lie now that she knew, a weight had been lifted for both of us.

Nate:"it's nice to see you too, in fact it's better than nice"she blushed a little bit as I said that.

Kyle:"....what are you two love birds talking about?"

I jump a little bit not realizing he was there. Nate:"Jesus! When did you get here?"

Kyle:"first, rude, second, just now, third, I asked a question"

*me and Kyle go way back, all the way to middle school, I knew him well and that was both a pleasure and a regret.

Nate:"classified not to be discussed, and weren't you in detention?"

Kyle:"yep, let out a robot tiger named Toni"

Gwen:"of course you did, why am I not surprised?"

Nate:"well to be honest, I didn't know it was a tiger, I thought it was just a cat"

Teacher:"class focus! Todays topic...the Many Worlds Theory by David Deutch"

*what a coincidence, my favorite theory, this should be a breeze.

And it was, A+ so easy and fun.

Nate:"well in my opinion, this has been a really good day, nothing could ruin it"

Gwen:"don't say that, you're just begging for something bad to happen"

Nate:"oh...oops, well it's been said, if something happens I take full responsibility"

Gwen:"don't blame yourself for things you have no control over, though this time it definitely is your fault"

Nate:"I can't help it, it's a habit"

All of a sudden my phones alarm goes off, telling me I'm late.

Nate:"oh shit! I'm late for a rendezvous!"

Gwen:"with who? That hacker group you're apart of?"

Nate:"hacktivist group, we help expose crooked companies for their crimes, and next on my list is Alcehmax.."

To be continued...

(Hope you liked this one took awhile but I hope it was worth the wait :)

My Sunshine(Spider-Nate X Spider-Gwen)Where stories live. Discover now