Chapter 2 : Hot and Cold

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Na AeGyo's Pov: 

Being sat here, watching the news. *" The fugitive Oh Yoonhee, has not yet been found. "* It would be a lie if I said I didn't feel proud of how well the rescue went. After all the problems among the way, she's safe and there still isn't any news on my death being faked. 

"How are you trying to help me, when you ruined what was left of me."  

Taking a deep breath, not being able to sleep well last night. She will probably blame me for her situation forever. Turning the TV off and making my way towards the kitchen, what would I like to have for breakfast? Searching through the shelves, I found just enough ingredients to feed us for a day or two. 

I wonder what she wo- " I'll have an scrambled egg with cheese. Thanks!" wait what? 

Turning my body around to face the intruder of my breathing space, that's right I did bring her here. "What? Make it yourself if you want to eat." Seeing that small smile drop, brought some guilt back up but I'm not a maid, I don't plan on being one just because I felt guilty of the situation we are in. 

"What did I expect anyway." Huh,  "What was that supposed to mean?" she walked past me and looked through the shelves. "Nothing" Wait, hold on a second. Is she mad? 

Taking quick steps around the kitchen, she was clearly searching for the eggs. Smirk making it's way to my face now, "Second shelf, right side of the extraction fan." I watched in amusement, her face was telling me to shut up but with a blush of embarrassment clear on her face. I chuckled. 

How can she be so amusing. "Na AeGyo-shi, can you help me?" Huh? Why is she so needy.  "No" Cute pout was clear on her face. Shaking my head now like a mad woman, for thinking it was cute. She made her way around the dining table which indeed had only one chair, and to her luck, I was sat on it.  Was she trying to reach the shelf, shorty.

I watched the woman now on her tippy toes, reaching for them. So close but not close enough, I couldn't help but to giggle out loud. "I'm glad you find this amusing. After everything you've done to me." My face dropped and her face became sour. Immediately, my legs brought me over to her.

Pushing her shorter body towards the counter and leaning one of my hands, trapping the red haired latter below me, in between me and the counter. I grabbed the box. Looking down she seemed pissed off, "Here, now don't complain I didn't help you." Quickly going back to my seat I went on my phone to distract myself. Why did my body move on it's own like this? I wasn't so sure, probably because I'm not used to having people around and she called me out on my guilt. That's it. 

"So, can we talk after breakfast? I have questions." Not daring to make any eye contact, "Sure whatever." left my mouth. " You are so cold Na AeGyo, hot and cold. Seems like yesterday you were warmer."  AISH! What's with me. "Anyway you owe me the explanation for all of this. Let's talk in a bit." This is why I don't like to be around people, so much hassle. "Sure, whatever" left my mouth again and I felt like face palming, it's a habit of mine to be cold everyone.  Watching her short body leave towards the room I put her in last night. I took a deep breath. I ruined her life, she deserves a bit more kindness from me. 

Oh Yoonhee's Pov:  

This room is so tiny, thanks god I'm the sorter kind or I'd  not fit on the bed. Is it a kids bed? Who's house is it anyway. Thinking of the treatment she gave me this morning, it was rude. She 'framed' me, so why was she the one who was being rude. Looking at the scrambled egg on my plate, was it too much to ask her for breakfast? *thud* *thud* 

Bringing my hand to my chest, who does she think she is. Getting that close into my personal space, smiling a little, her perfume was so intensely inviting. The scent hasn't changed, biting my lip. Jean Paul- Gaultier, it was during the Jean Paul's private perfume testing, when I met Na Aegyo the first time. 

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