Chapter 6 : Attraction

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Oh Yoonhee's Pov:

It's been almost two weeks since we escaped to China. I started working as a stripper and Aegyo worked in her office at the club most of the time. She really did put us to work, drinking a rum and ginger ale, I was on my break.

Taking a peak towards the latter's office, should I go and annoy her? It's been more difficult since we only see each other at our apartment and we have different work hours most of the time. Looking at all the strippers, I pity some of the ladies who have to keep company of extra gropy men.

As bad as my current 'job' was, Aegyo did make sure the security took extra care of me. I don't do any private lap dances or anything of that sort, which I was grateful for. Feeling my head spin a little, oops I got tipsy again. Taking a look in the direction of her office again, feeling myself flush.

Aegyo has been hiding in there every time I'm working, she says it's the 'safest' way of keeping us both under the radar. Something tells me that there are other reasons for it, but I won't dwell on them. Downing my glass, "Mei, can I have double Glenfiddich on the rocks and a double Bumbu xo on the rocks for me." I said to the bartender.

I don't usually get this drunk on shift but tonight I felt extra alone, seeing all the strippers leave with someone rich and handsome after shift, made me crave something. "Here, the two drinks Yoonhee." Ugh, the lack of the 'shi' really bothers me sometimes. "Thanks, Mei."

Grabbing the two drinks, I made my way towards the office. Taking a deep breath, *thud* peaking in. "Yoonhee-ah? Is everything okay?" She looks tired, bringing a little pout to my face. Her eyes look tired and her shoulders are tensed, "Here Aegyo-ah, I got you something to drink."

Eyeing the drink curiously, " It's not spiked is it?" She took it, earning a push on the shoulder. "Alright I'm sorry, I'm sorry." she smirked. I sat on the desk to her right, "What are you doing?"

I watched her explain that she is investing into stock and running the casinos. Listening closely and noticing she tried to look anywhere else, but me. "You can look if you want, after all you put me in these clothes." I brought her face to meet my eyes, if it was sober Yoonhee, this would haven't have been happening. "Are you drunk again?" Ooops I'm caught.

"Y-yes ma'am." I giggled earning myself a chuckle from the short haired woman.

"What about work?" She raised a brow, god she is definitely even hotter when in her ' I'm your boss' attire.

Jumping off the desk and making my way behind her, "You are work too, Aegyo-ah." Wrapping my arms around her tense shoulders.

"Y-yah! Get out of my room before I call the security, DRUNK OH YOONHEE!" I'm in danger, oops.

"Ah, You're no fun these days." I shrugged my shoulders and unwrapped my hands from her.

"I'm plenty of fun, when you aren't looking." Well that hurt, why would she be sleeping with others but not me. Did she find herself a Park Gyuri in China too?

"Well good for you, maybe I should find myself someone too." I said, turning my head away from her. I'm jealous and it's fine, I can't act upon my feelings anyway. Not being able to take the silence, her gaze was drilling a hole in my back, " Tonight, I just don't want to be alone, that's all." Downing my drink, I gave her a sad longing look. Why did I even bother, of course she wouldn't keep me company. I haven't slept well in weeks and It's been taking a tool on me. I'm still scared of what might happen to me if JDT or the Korean Interpol finds me.

I walked out of the door, not bothering to close it behind me. Why did I even think she'd keep me company. I'm still a bit stupid. Walking back to the bar, it was almost my act and the room filled with hungry men and women. I walked up to the pole, putting on my best show, I looked towards the latter's office door. To my surprise she was in the wooden frame, watching me.

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