Task 35

421 54 134


🏹 Welcome to Rising Gem Bookclub S2! We're glad to make this journey together again! We didn't make it without you also. Furthermore, we highly advised you to read Gemstone Guidelines and Announcement and Update as your guide for every task.

🏐 Please, familiarize your Code and All formats that we have here. If you have a question, don't hesitate to message the designated person about the task or other concers. (down below)

Facilitator: Mod. R
Checker: Checker. S

✔ Don't forget about Task Validation and Task Monitoring, Feedback Formating (Oneshot, Groupings, and Poem)

🏐 Mod. D will message those Gemstone that needs to compromise their unfinished task.

✔ We still have a 7 days time frame for every task instalment. If you didn't make before the deadline, message the Facilitator for your 2 extended days.

❌ Deadline: February 25, 2022
(Friday 10:00 P.M) ❌

🏹So, what we are waiting for, let's start the task!


Gruop 1 with 7 Vomments
RG015 HannahRedspring Stories in a Blank Canvas 4: Take a Chance on Me
RG039 Nanabi_002 It Will Rain
RG054 shesminerva Coffee Shop

Gruop 2 with 7 Vomments
RG040 kulinnn_ Our Summer Clandestine
RG015 HannahRedspring Stories in a Blank Canvas 6: Hundred Days, After
RG036 Highly_FavoreDii Awaiting His Timing

Pair 1 with 7 vomments
RG040 kulinnn_ Envy and Ingrid
RG013 12Herz08 My One Shot Collection (Is Tadhana Real?)


Pair 1 Vomments 4 parts
RG024 izastateofmind Bungkos ng Kandila
RG017 aisekaii Twisted Affair

Pair 2 Vomments 5 parts
RG038 RoygebivTwirl Montiel #1: Ready Get Set, Action!
RG010 1v3LostMyM1Nd Ought to Find Love

Pair 3 Vomments 6 parts
RG043 MARIAHISAL The Unrequited Lovestory
RG018 Naczlie His Unplanned Possession

Pair 4 Vomments 10 parts
RG008 syaleullein31 Rewrite Our Stars
RG016 xkinglessqueenx They Made Me Do It

Pair 5 Vomments 12 parts
RG030 El_Zemira PAYBACK
RG054 shesminerva Behind You

Pair 6 Vomments 12 parts
RG053 conquestofthesomnium When Worlds Crossed
RG040 kulinnn_ The End of Us

Pair 7 Vomments 15 parts
RG014 omyerika A Hidden Gem
RG020 BinibiningGee12 Pagsapit ng Dapithapon

Pair 8 Vomments 17 parts
RG026 PinkAppleTV The Vampire's Woman
RG052 _pastelhues_ Letters Love, You

Pair 9 Vomments 21 parts
RG055 yoshi-sensei The Rise of the Pervert Hero
RG012 NadirScintilla Silen

Rising Gem Bookclub S2 | C L O S E DTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon