A u t o m a t i c E x i t

370 58 18

Lets straight forward on what purpose of Automatic Exit. Automatic Exit is for Gemstone whose decided to end their journey with us.

But, as your home in Wattpad world. Please think twice if you're gonna leave us. Make sure that you'll be fine without me.

Don't worry, Gemstone. I'll not close the door for you when you're comeback.

Furthermore, fill up and complete this interview. Comment inline, as always. Once you already done, we will automatically withdraw your code.

Note: We respect your decision to leave us, so we're expecting that you'll respect also the process.

Your Username:


Your valid reason, why you're fill-up this form:

Tagging for verification : RisingGemBookclub

You will received '✔️' if you're freely leave us. If you aren't complete given information below you will receive '❌'. So, complete the given information for less-hassle-process.

Rising Gem Bookclub S2 | C L O S E DTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon