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"Do you think there's people out there?" Karl lets his head fall back to the comfort of the beanbag, soft blue fabric pillowing around his curls as he sinks deeper into the clouds, floating gently through an unseen sky.

From this angle he can subtly stare at Sapnap's side profile, see the way strands of his hair gently fall over his forehead, watch as his throat flexes around each hit of strawberry smoke, exhaling smoothly before glancing down at him.

"Dude this tastes like actual shit."

"Uh dude literally shut up." He can't help but feel a heavy sense of darkness begin to form, feel as though he's messed up somehow as if he's responsible for the unpleasant taste of weed and strawberry that's likely lingering in Sapnap's mouth. Slowly he begins to sink below the clouds, a storm racing through his mind as he curls his legs closer to his body.

"I have another cart...", he starts to fiddle with the rings adorning his fingers, "if you really hate it, we could try something else."

Sapnap glances down again, eyes softening as he takes in Karl's figure, "Nah, I'm just being annoying don't worry about it."

Karl bites his lip, nodding and looking away as lightning strikes at his heart; he feels the thunder rumble in his stomach and draws his body closer into itself. A jolt rushes through his body, confusion fogging up his thoughts before he realizes Sapnap's fingers are prodding at his arm.

Turning his head, he's met with the appearance of the sun, Sapnap's smile, a bright star in the haze of darkness Karl was beginning to succumb to.

Sapnap's arm curls around his shoulder, gently tugging his body closer until his head is tucked into the curve of his neck and just like that Karl is back above the clouds. Finally tethered as he floats higher and higher, drifting among the stars with Sapnap a steady presence beside him.

Softly, as he cards his fingers through the mess of curls on Karl's head, Sapnap begins to speak, "Seriously it's not like I'm some weed connoisseur, what do I know?"

Karl snorts, tucking his head further into Sapnap's neck, feeling the shiver that runs through his body as his lips softly trace the freckles laid out before him.

"So uh what people were you talking about before?"

Lazily lifting his arm, Karl's finger points towards the spots of colors and stars that twinkle on his ceiling courtesy of the galaxy light projector he had set up before they started to smoke. It was a recent purchase and yet it was already proving its worth as now he could sit and ask Sapnap nonsensical questions about space.

"You know out there, it's like big, like really big-" Sapnap snorts, but Karl carries on regardless, he's high he doesn't have to sound logical, "-and I don't know dude, just do you think there are people out there."

Sapnap takes a second before replying seriously, "Maybe on Pluto."


"Yeah it's a dwarf planet right and Snow White has to live somewhere with all those fuckers." Sapnap's laugh pierces the air and Karl is almost too distracted by the beauty of the sound to comprehend what he just said.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

Sapnap begins to laugh harder and Karl can feel the vibrations as they roll through his chest, each wave sending him further out before Karl speaks again.

"You know who else would live on Pluto?"

The grin on Sapnap's face never falters as he raises an eyebrow, curious for Karl's response.

Stifling a laugh, Karl whispers, "M-mickey mouse" and dissolves into a fit of laughter. Adding on before Sapnap can interrupt again he continues, "You know cause it's like Pluto and that's the name of his dog, dude you said Pluto you're a fucking mickey mouse streamer, make better content."

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