* bad decisions, interesting situations

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Karl didn't know what he did to piss God off, but he sure as hell knew he didn't deserve this.

He would consider himself lucky. He got into the university of his dreams, studying in the field he was most interested in and achieving grades that earned him a spot in the honours program first, second and third year. He had no trouble making friends, he had a group of lovely people who always had his back, and he got along with everyone.

Well, almost everyone.

Fourth-year was when the trouble started.

He had this roommate, and this roommate was the absolute, most annoying person on the planet. His name was Sapnap, which was already a red flag because who the hell names themselves Sapnap.

Sapnap was like a demon sent from hell, like his only purpose in life was to annoy Karl as much as possible. Karl didn't see much of him, their classes were on opposite ends of the day - Karl liked his morning classes and Sapnap didn't crawl out of the deep pits of hell he called his bedroom until 12 PM at the earliest.

They were polar opposites really. Karl liked everything clean, neat and tidy, and Sapnap probably hadn't properly cleaned anything in his life. Karl needed quiet to study, while Sapnap preferred to have either rap or country music playing at full volume 24/7. It wasn't a surprise that there had been conflict between them from the moment they moved in with each other.

Karl should have lost his temper a long time ago, but he kept his cool. For someone who was living with their proclaimed "mortal enemy", Karl thought he was doing pretty well.

But everyone has their breaking point.

The morning was already off to a bad start. Karl had stayed up way too late the night before playing video games and watching anime, and then he proceeded to wake up almost an hour later than he usually did which meant he had no time to go down to the dining hall for breakfast.

It normally wouldn't have been a problem because he had extra yogurt and strawberries in his fridge for snacks, and that could have held him off until after first class. However, when he opened the fridge and grabbed the strawberries they were covered in gross white mould and unsalvageable. Just to add to it all, the yogurt was out of date and smelled disgusting. Yet, Karl had enough sense to stay calm, so that wasn't his breaking point.

When he went to grab clothes for the day, he stubbed his toe on the corner of his wardrobe so hard that he could feel the pain shoot all the way up his leg. He yelled a lot and his eyes filled with tears, but that also wasn't his breaking point.

The moment that absolutely tipped him over the edge, the mouldy cherry on top of the uncooked disastrous carrot cake that was his life that morning was the sound of the bathroom door closing and the shower turning on.

He could start his day without breakfast. After all, he was a college student, he was lucky if he even got breakfast. He could start his day even though his toe felt like it was broken, it wasn't the end of the world. He could not start his day without a shower.

Now, there were a few sensible options he could have chosen. For one, he could have gone over and borrowed George's shower - George wouldn't have minded and it was literally only five dorms down the hall. He could have also borrowed Quackity's shower, it was a bit of a longer walk but it wasn't that out of the way.

But he didn't do either of those and without really thinking about what he was doing, Karl found himself angrily twisting the metal doorknob and marching into the bathroom.

Sapnap had already climbed into the shower. His dirty clothes were scattered all over the bathroom floor and his towel and clean boxers were neatly stored away on the top of the counter. God-awful music was playing from the speaker that perched on the edge of the sink, creating an unflattering echo throughout the entire room. The room smelt like his horrible old spice 3-in-1 shampoo that gave Karl a headache.

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