Chapter 2

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~in the morning~

You went to your father's quarters.

Jeralt: You seem well. Are you adjusting to life at the monastery?

Y/n: No

Jeralt: Well, I didn't expect it would be easy on you. When we were mercenaries, I handled everything. Outside of battle, you didn't have much contact with people, did you? I thought being thrown into a swarm of noble brats to teach would be a bit much for you. It seems I was right to worry.

You shook your head a bit.

Jeralt: By the way, I heard about those bandits. Your first assignment is to take them out, right? That's fairly routine for you by now, but don't forget it's the first real taste of battle for those brats. It'll be tougher to sleep at night if you let one of your little pupils die, so stay vigilant and lead them well. I wish I could offer you my support, but Lady Rhea won't allow it. For now, I'll try to figure out what she wants from you. I don't mind you settling into your life here, but don't let your guard down. Ever. 

You nod at his words

Y/n: yes father

After talking with Jerelt, you head to the entrance hall, where everyone in your house was present. 

Edelgard: Perfect timing, Professor. I just received word from the knights. They've located the bandits.

Hubert: It seems they have them cornered. They are in Zanado, the Red Canyon.

Caspar: I can't wait to get started! I'll strike down those heinous thieves before they know what hit them!

Ferdinand: Charge ahead if you must, Caspar. Just do not put the rest of us in danger.

Bernadetta: I'm going back. I won't be of any help anyway, and I don't want to get hurt.

Dorothea: Don't worry, Bern. It's just some bandits. We'll have no trouble at all.

Linhardt: Eh, don't get ahead of yourselves. Unfounded optimism isn't a great strategy. Let's just get this over with.

Petra: There is nothing to get over. We will work with each other to achieve our mission.

Edelgard: It's time, Professor. Give us our orders, and let's move out.

Edelgard: So this is the Red Canyon... A ruin of sorts by the look of it. Let's end this quickly. The thieves must have been driven back. Be careful, or the cornered mice might bite us.

Kostas: The knights chased us all the way here?!

*Rewriting* a tale of two twins (Fire emblem Edelgard  x Male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now