Chapter 3

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The next day, Alex woke up early. He could not let his opportunity fade. He jumped out of his bed and ran out the door.

He swung around a doorway into the weaponry room. Magnus was already there with a kid. He looked around Alex's age, with black hair and a serious stare.

Alex moved closer to where they stood, when Magnus spoke, "Alex. Meet your new partner. Glen, say hello."

Glen just glared and muttered, "Why do I have to be partners with the biggest idiot on the ship?"

Magnus smiled and replied, "Oh, you'll warm up to him soon enough. Anyways, you will need weapons on your mission." She walked over to a large curtain and yanked it open. Behind the cover there was a large metal case that held guns, swords, explosives, and other weapons Alex had never even heard of before.

Five minutes later...

Alex held a shockblaster in hand, a gun designed to send waves of stinging electricity. In his backpack, he had a normal pistol and a katana sword.

Glen, however, went much more simple. Just a couple of throwing knives.

"Can I try these on you? I mean, you never know if they work until you try 'em." He spun one of his knives in his hand. He obviously was very unhappy about being teamed up with me.

Magnus peeked around the corner. "Guys, put the weapons away. Come over here." As we turned to our left, we marveled at the sight.

A beautiful ship was floating at the docks, waiting for us. it had red and blue armor, with a glossy finish. Alex smiled and remarked, "Whoa. We're going on that?"

Magnus said, "Yes, he Stratos, so get on." Alex, Magnus and Glen climbed aboard the new ship. The ship set off quickly and loudly.

Magnus spread a map across a table. What was on the map was unclear - it was all circles and lines.

"Okay, so when we arrive, we are going to board their station at the right end. The place we will be boarding is not a ship, this is a base for evil planning and other things." Magnus continued her plan as Alex and Glen listened intently.

"When you board the ship, that area will be almost completely unguarded and you can pass through easily. When you have passed through, there will be a hallway you have to cross. There will be no guards there either, but they may walk through."

"Once you get past that hallway, there is an area almost filled with enemies, so you will need to shoot them down. By then you have already mad it to the leader. Find him and kill him."

They arrived at the spot in minutes. What they were looking at was scary. A gray planet with metal scattered around its surface floated ahead of them.

Once the right end was in stepping length, Alex got ready to jump into his first mission.

Alex took a deep breath, and jumped in.

Song: Kids With Guns - Gorillaz

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