Chapter 6 - Tears

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***Sorry for the short break I took *bows apologetically* please forgive me!***

-- Third Person P.O.V. --

A man with long white hair and brown eyes (Picture above) steps out of the box. "The name is Jushiro." he says with a gentle smile.

Emiko: "Oh yeah, that's what his name was."

Kaika looks up at Jushiro and blushes slightly. At least this one seems nice. She mumbles under her breath: "I guess if I don't have a choice... I can try to deal with this."

Emiko smiles noticing Kaika's expression as she walks over to the couch and sits beside her.

Emiko: "So, do you really think you can handle all of this?"

Kaika: "Ughh, I don't know." She buries her face in a couch pillow and falls backwards on the couch.

Emiko laughs lightly and pats her leg. "You always were shy around guys, especially ones you thought were cute."

Kaika gasps and throws the pillow at her: "I am not! I don't do that!" She lowers her voice: "And I do not think anyone is cute."

Emiko smiles raising an eyebrow: "Oh yeah? So why are you getting all embarassed now?"

Kaika stutters not sure what to say: "Ahh.. ahh... I..."

Emiko gives Kaika a smug look as Kaika hangs her head in defeat, showing that Emiko just won that argument.

Rin seemingly comes out of nowhere and sits beside Emiko.

Rin: "So, since it seems like we're staying around for awhile, why don't I get to know you?" He reaches over putting a finger underneath Emiko's chin.

Emiko giggles slightly and pushes his hand away: "I'm sorry but no thank you."

Rin smiles standing up: "Don't worry, I'm not giving up." He winks at her and then leaves.

Kaika sits up looking at Emiko: "What was that?"

Emiko: "What was what?"

Kaika narrows her eyes: "Don't play dumb with me."

Emiko turns her head: "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Kaika looks towards the direction Rin left and then back at Emiko: "You like him!"

Emiko quickly covers her mouth: "Would you be quiet, I do not."

"You do to." Kaika says muffled by Emiko's hand.

Unlike Kaika, Emiko hides her blush very well but having known her since they were very young, Kaika can see through her poker face.

Kaika: "Normally, you'd never giggle like that, ESPECIALLY when a guy tried something with you. You always get mad and nearly knock them out where they stand."

Emiko slumps her shoulders and lowers her hand: "Okay, okay. You got me, I can't hide it from you, but you can't say anything.

Kaika smiles, happy that she was right and then she waves her hand: "Don't worry, I don't like talking to them to begin with."

They both laugh and then Emiko puts a hand on Kaika's shoulder. "You sure you can handle all of this, I mean by yourself for a little bit?"

Kaika looked confused and thought to herself for a moment. By myself?

Emiko seeing her confusion reminds her: "I'm leaving tonight to go visit my aunt remember?"

Suddenly remembering Kaika nods and pinches her nose: "Ugh, I almost forgot. There's just been so much going on these last few days."

Emiko smiles kindly: "If you need me here, I can st-"

Kaika cuts her off shaking her head vigorously: "No, you only ever visit her once a year, I'm not taking that from you. You should go, I'll be okay. I promise." Though still unsure herself, Kaika gave a convincing smile.

Emiko nods: "Okay, well it's only a few days, and I'm all packed up already so I figured I'd stay here with you until she comes."

Kaika smiles happily: "Well then, let's have some fun before you leave."

The two girls spend the next few hours together. They talk, and watch movies until finally it's time for Emiko to leave. Kaika walks her out, and waves as Emiko gets into her aunt's car and pulls away. Once the car is out of sight, Kaika turns and goes back into the house. She looks up at the clock as she walks back inside. Hmm, it's almost 5:30, I guess I'll make dinner for everyone.

Kaika walks into the kitchen and get started on making tuna sushi and rice balls. Once she is finished she shyly calls everyone for dinner. Rin and Jushiro come quickly and happily. They sit down and start digging in, complementing the food. Soon everyone is done eating when Kaika notices that Sebastian hasn't come for his meal.

After cleaning up the kitchen and all the dishes Kaika puts Sebastian's plate on a tray and decides to bring it up to him. She knocks on her study door, where he had been sleeping, and she gets a sharp "What?" in reply. She enters carrying the tray and sees Sebastian sitting on the windowsill.

Kaika: "I-I brought you... your dinner... you never came down..." She says trying to stay calm but blushing slightly.

Sebastian continues to look out the window: "I didn't come for it because I didn't want it, now please just leave."

Kaika gets a bit hurt by his reaction but doesn't show it: "I... I just thought you should eat something... I'll um... just leave it here." She sets the tray down on a nightstand by the windowsill Sebastian's sitting on, and turns to head to the door but stops, hesitant to leave.

Sebastian comes up behind her: "Didn't I tell you to leave?"

Kaika turns around meeting his cold gaze and then looks down sadly. Sebastian moves his face closer to hers, just inches away causing her to blush darkly and shift her weight from one leg to another.

Sebastian: "Being delivered here was a huge mistake, we didn't come here to babysit, we were suppose to be sent to this extraordinary person," he pauses narrowing his eyes, "but instead we got you." He looks her up and down and then scoffs backing up but still looking at her with hardened eyes. "You're nothing special, in fact," he pauses once again "you're just a nobody." With a sharp turn, he turns his back to her and goes back to the windowsill he was sitting on.

Kaika doesn't say one word and quickly leaves the room as tears well up in her eyes. She starts to walk faster as she walks out of the front door and then she starts running. I just... need to get out of here. She continues to run until she gets to a place she hasn't been in awhile, a single sakura tree that sits at the edge of an old abandoned park. It's fall so the tree is baren but even so she finds it beautiful and calming. She sits at the base of the trunk and closes her eyes, thinking and letting the tears roll down her face. She sits there alone for what seems like hours when she hears a voice.

???: "So this is where you've gone off to."

***Tune in next time to see who followed Kaika! :)***

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