Chapter 10 - New Friends

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***Blah blah blah, let's get back to the story!***

- Third Person P.O.V. -

Kaika calls out for help in her mind but she starts to feel hopeless. Nobody's coming... she thinks to herself. Misfit025 leans in close to her face and tucks a strand of loose hair behind her ear. He brushes his fingers against her cheek, running them down her neck and traces her collarbone. He wears a smirk filled with perverted desire and evilness underneath his mask. He reaches for the first button on Kaika's shirt. Seeing this, Kaika panicks and does the only thing she can while her hands are tied. She lifts her leg quickly and kicks Misfit025 in his not-so-sweet spot.

Misfit025 doesn't even flinch: "Tch... too bad for you that only works on you humans." He gets more irritated and angry. "I asked you to be a good girl, but since you can't seem to do so... I'm done playing games with you."

Misfit025 pins her legs down beneath himself as he raises the pocket knife and Kaika squeezes her eyes shut and shakes, anticipating what will happen next. He brings the blade to her chest and in one swift movement he cuts open her shirt exposing her bra and chest. Behind the mask he licks his lip in contemptment and places the knife underneath the middle of her bra.

- Kaika's P.O.V. -

I can feel Misfit025 start to bring the knife towards himself attempting to cut through the fabric that lays beneath the blade, and I begin to sob, my body trembling violently. Just as the fabric is about to give away I hear a thud and my bra is no longer being tugged on. Then I feel a sharp pain shoot through my upper thigh. I open my eyes to see what's going on, and my eyes widen in surprise.

I manage to whimper out: "S-Sebastian..."

- Third Person P.O.V. -

Sebastian stands above a beaten Misfit025, holding him by the collar. He throws him to the ground hearing Kaika speak in a weak voice. He quickly moves over to her and as he gets closer his eyes widen slightly and he gasps lowly.

Sebastian kneels down to her eye level: "Kaika... you're hurt."

Kaika follows his gaze down to her upper thigh where the pocket knife that Misfit025 had been holding was now sticking out of her leg. For a moment, she had forgotten about her leg, but now, she snivels as she again becomes aware of the pain.

Sebastian: "I've got to get you out of here." He walks behind her and sees that her handcuffs are pulled around a water pipe. He lets out a frustrated sigh, "But first, we have to find these damn keys."

As Sebastian looks around the keys to the handcuffs, Misfit025 comes up behind him and grabs him by the throat with one hand. He slams him against a concrete wall causing a large indentation and holds the keys up inches from Sebastian's face.

Misfit025: "Looking for these?"

Sebastian narrows his eyes and attempts to get free of his grip when Misfit025 pulls him from the wall and slams him down once again. This time he breaks through the wall and throws Sebastian causing him to skid across the ground for multiple feet. Misfit025 removes the bandages from his left hand. For a moment, there's a bright light, and then a mechanicle saw replaces where his arm was. (Picture is above)

Misfit025: "It's time to end this. I won't let anyone interfere with my fun." He starts walking towards Sebastian slowly glaring at him with dead eyes.

As he approaches him, Misfit025 is unexpectedly hit from the side, and hard. He's thrown off his feet and crashes into a nearby abandoned brick building. He hits a support beam causing part of the building to fall ontop of him. Jushiro stands where Misfit025 was just moments before.

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