Asmodeus-prologue: On the run

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Running, all he knew, Was running. Each day has been a blur, all he remembered was being strapped to a table and passing out, everything after that was a blurry, painful mess. The location that starts our story is a roadside hotel in the middle of seemingly nowhere.

The receptionist at the counter was about to go home when a ghoulish figure staggered through the door. the man looked like he'd been through a horrible car accident, blood oozing from open wounds, scratches, and scars adorned his body like grim tattoos, a testament to his suffering.

with a blank, almost dead expression on his face, his head slowly turned to the frightened woman as he reached into the pocket of his blood-soaked jeans and pulled out a wad of crumpled, bloody dollar bills and put them on the reception desk slowly, the figure then shakily pointed to a room key pinned to the cork board behind the reception desk, the receptionist, not wanting to anger the ghastly figure before her shakily handed the key to an empty room, the figure shakily took it and staggered off down the hall.

In the hotel room's latrine, the bloody man stared blankly in the cracked dirty mirror touching his scarred face, he reached for a nearby towel to mop up the blood seeping from his wounds, and his blank dead eyes looked at the sanguine soaked towel..which seemed to emit ghastly flowing wisps of darkness, a darkness that causes blurry memories. running..clawing..death..and much blood a sanguine tide of murder and carnage that made him see red... he tossed the blood-soaked towel away and gazed deep into the broken mirror. for a moment.. his reflection seemed to change.. it flickered and glitched like a faulty computer screen..and it seemed to smirk.

Suddenly, wailing sirens were heard outside..the police and paramedics arrived on the scene. raymond's right hand moved up to his face.. and a small, slowly rotating demonic magic circle formed in his hand. Raymond's body glowed and shifted to become someone different...

The glow soon subsided..and his appearance changed..

He ran out the back door of the hotel, tripping the alarm..and he vanished into the night

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