Asmodeus-chapter#2: Enter the house of...monsters?

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As Raymond approached the door, there was a faint "woosh" sound..and as if on autopilot, Raymond's hand lashed out and caught whatever object was tossed at him, he looked at it....a scythe.

???:my my~

Said a feminine voice from behind, a voice that oozed with dark intentions and quite a share of smugness.

???: those are quite the reflexes you have there, boy~

He turned around to catch a glimpse of the person who threw the farming implement.

Even though the forest around him was pitch black,  the light from the mansion's window illuminated her just enough,

The woman wore a ripped-up brown dress that looked to be made out of burlap.

her entire body is grey, with stitches lining all across her limbs, and some dirty bandages wrapped around her arms and legs.

She had long black hair, and her face has two black holes where her eyes are and a crooked grin as her mouth.]

Raymond dropped the scythe to his side.

Raymond:'am? I don't have corn to sell and I don't know any

The scarecrow-looking girl giggles wickedly, seemingly amused at the human boy's confused response.

???: ohoho~ Jane was right, you are adorable, my little pumpkin~

she said as she approached,  tracing a finger on his chest

???: and rather handsome as well~

Raymond stepped back, confused and kinda concerned.

Raymond: pumpkin?...look miss I don't get time for this, I was supposed to-

???: Meet someone~? Oh yes, Jane told me all about you.

Raymond looked confused

Raymond: who the what now?

the strange scarecrow lady continued, 

???: She met you in an alleyway, you must have been so full of medicine that you must have thought it was merely a hallucination.

Raymond struggled to think back to that time, the memory was faint and blurry....but soon he remembered

Raymond: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Did she have black heels and black and white striped stockings? 

the girl before him chortled with  dark delight

???: ding~! ding~! ding~! you are correct, my little pumpkin! that's our one and only Jane the killer!

Raymond should have fled after he heard the words "the killer", hell he should have stayed in his bed.... but it's not like there's any chance now.

Raymond: Soooo, let's get this straight.....the girl i met...was Jane...

the scarecrow lady nodded

Raymond: And

he says pointing to the mansion

???: That's correct~!

the scarecrow lady chortled 

Raymond could only facepalm, confused and annoyed at what he'd gotten himself into... 

???: She's not the only one who lives here you know, this is the house of monsters, after all, pumpkin.

the scarecrow woman said, gesturing with her scythe to the large mansion

???: Me, Jane and countless others live in these unhallowed halls, ghouls freaks, slashers, and other abominations stalk the floors of this mansion..we follow the command of our mistress.

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