Asmodeus-Chapter #3: Meeting the rest of the "family"

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As Raymond settled into his new room, Slenderwoman turned to him and said, "I'm sure you're anxious to meet the rest of the family. They should be arriving any moment now." Raymond nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension.As if on cue, the sound of the front door opening could be heard. Slenderwoman gestured for Raymond to follow her as they made their way to the living room where Sally, Laughing Jill, and Clockwork were waiting. The three girls looked up as Raymond and Slenderwoman entered the room.

Sally was sitting on the couch, clutching a teddy bear tightly to her chest. She looked up at Raymond with wide, timid eyes, almost as if she was scared of him. Raymond approached her with a warm smile, trying to put her at ease. "Hi there," he said gently. "What's your name?""S-Sally," she stuttered, barely above a whisper.

Raymond crouched down in front of her. "That's a nice teddy bear you have there," he said, pointing to the stuffed animal she was holding. "I used to have one just like it when I was your age."Sally's eyes lit up a bit at the mention of the teddy bear. "Y-you did?""Yeah," Raymond replied. "I loved that teddy bear. It kept me company when I was scared or lonely."

Sally smiled shyly, seeming to relax a little bit. Just then, Laughing Jill walked up to Raymond and started flirting with him shamelessly. "Well hello there, handsome," she purred, batting her eyelashes at him. "I don't believe we've been properly introduced."Raymond chuckled nervously, not quite sure how to respond. "Uh, hi there. I'm Raymond.""Ooh, Raymond," Jill cooed. "That's a nice name. I'm Laughing Jill. It's so nice to meet you." She placed a hand on his arm, trailing her fingers down to his hand.Raymond's heart raced at the touch, feeling both excited and uncomfortable. He tried to pull his hand away politely, but Jill didn't seem to take the hint.Clockwork stood back, watching the exchange with interest. She didn't say anything, but the gears in her right eye whirred as she observed Raymond and Jill. Scarecrow Girl and Jane the Killer remained silent in the background, observing the scene with their own thoughts.Slenderwoman cleared her throat, breaking the tension. "Perhaps we should all sit down and get to know each other better," she suggested, gesturing to the couches and chairs around the room.Raymond nodded gratefully, eager to move away from Jill's advances.

He sat down on the couch next to Sally, feeling more comfortable with her than with any of the other girls. Clockwork sat across from them, while Jill perched on the arm of the couch and Slenderwoman and the other two girls took seats in the nearby chairs.

For a while, they all made small talk, asking Raymond about himself and his life before coming to the mansion. Sally remained quiet for the most part, only speaking up occasionally to ask a question or make a comment. Jill flirted shamelessly with Raymond, making him feel both flattered and awkward at the same time.

Clockwork was more reserved, listening to the conversation but not contributing much to it.As the evening wore on, the group grew more comfortable with each other's presence. They laughed and joked, exchanging stories and getting to know one another better. Raymond felt a sense of belonging with this strange and eclectic group of people, almost as if he had found a new family.

Finally, as the night wore on, Slenderwoman stood up and addressed the group. "It's getting late," she said. "I think it's time for everyone to get some rest."

The others nodded, and one by one, they got up and headed off to their respective rooms. Raymond said goodnight to everyone, lingering for a moment to give Sally a reassuring smile. As he made his way to his own room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement about the days to come. He had a feeling that life in the mansion was going to be anything but boring. the underworld...

A towering demon sat on his throne, a cruel grin spreading across his face. He steepled his fingers and with a flick of his wrist, the glowing window he had been using to spy on the group vanished.

"Raymond," he mused to himself. "How interesting." He conjured a burning, fiery heart in his hand, relishing in the power it represented.

"I hope you're watching, Zal," he growled. "Your reign is about to come to a brutal end. And I'll be there, watching every moment of your demise." With a malevolent laugh, he snuffed out the fiery heart and settled back onto his throne, eager for the destruction to come.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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