Chapter -2

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Kia Pov

"Kia wake up, it's ten in the morning" My mom shouted from below the stairs.

I was brought back from the nightmare with the sound of her asking my sister to get ready and my brother to get down from the counters.

I guess this the beginning of another busy day. Making my bed I made my way down the stairs.

"Good Morning mom" I said ruffling my brother Ray's hair whose response I got with an smack on my hand.

While I like to tease him calling him names and ruffling his hair he usually responds by hitting me on my hand.

Laughing away I set the plates as my mom prepares the breakfast for the four of us.

Yes four,  it was not a year ago that their had been five people in this house with the exclusion of our dog, Bite.

Yeah I know that's a weird name for a pet specially a dog cause well dogs bite. But we loved the name and obviously we love him.

I distract my self from thinking of the past cause all that brings is sorrow. Apart from it I cannot bring my self to spoil every once mood and remind them of what we have lost as it has taken a lot of time for all of us to cope from it.

We still live in the house as before. Still moving on with time. The few months after dads death everything was chaotic mom took a few months to get a hold of her self. The company owned by our family was seeing loss.
Dad was a genius when it came to business a risk taker. He built the company from scratch taking seven years to make it reach a height which couldn't be reached by any one else. The year he left was the tenth year of the company.

Although things are smooth in the company the loss of my dad crated a huge vacancy in the company position. That's when mom stepped in to handle all the affairs' of the company.
It surely took time but she got a hold of it and now she is running the company while continuing her role as our mother.

I looked at her still in my thoughts, she was putting the pancakes in Ray's plate smiling as he put on extra syrup on the pancake.

Bringing my self back to reality I put on the smile to hide away my thoughts as I saw Samuel come down for breakfast.

"Good morning mom" she said taking her seat beside me

"Good morning K, what's your plans for today. " She asked as she put in the first bite of the pancake.

"Nothing much just the usual, and of course I need to go shopping for buying a gift for Seren.." Samuel completed "For her birthday"
"Yes" I said finishing the last bite of pancake.
"Oh! Then can I come along, I to need to buy a gift for her as she is like a sister to me. "

"Hmm ok, let's go together. She will kill me if you don't go to her party because you did not get a gift. " I said taking Ray's and mom's plate from the table.

"Ok then let's go to the mall after your school today. I will pick you up. " I said as Samuel got ready to leave for school.

"Come on Ray, both of you are going to be late for your school" I shouted from the main gate as Ray was still inside the house looking for his socks.

"Hurry up sunshine I don't want to be late today. " Samuel shouted while making her way out side.

"Stop calling me that, I am coming." Ray came out trying to put on his shoes.

Sigh its going to be a long day.

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