Chapter -3

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It's not even been noon and I am already tired. I should really do something about my sleep. Sigh, a long day ahead.

Thinking this I continued to drive back home after dropping Samuel and Ray at their school.
While Samuel is in her last year of high school, Ray is yet to enter and experience thr high school life. Both of them are really good in their studies and usually get As in their papers.

Half way away from home mom called. Parking the car on the sideline I picked up the call.

"Hello mom"

"Kia, have you dropped them to school"

"Yes mom I am almost home, did you need something"

"Oh dear I am very sorry but I need to go to the company right now it's urgent. i was hoping you could do the grocery shopping" She continued

"I have already send the list and the money for the earnest. I am leaving the house and the keys are at its usual place" I listened as she continued

"Dear I really am sorry, oh and before I forget Bite is at Mrs. Smith. Get him back when you reach home"

"Ok mom, if you need any other help let me know. All the best. "

"Love you K" She said before the line went dead "love you too mom" I replied after the call went dead.

I took a U turn towards the nearest shopping center. It was a Monday and it took me approximately ten minutes to find a parking lot. 

The list was not long and thanks to mom's habit I found the required things of the same brand pretty fast. It was only when I went to the billing counter I felt that someone was keeping an eye on me. Before I could turn around I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. 

Upon taking out the phone I found a message from mom

Mom                                12:00 Am

I know you might be completing the shopping. So as a thank you just treat your self. 

12:02 Am                                  Me

                                                    Thanks mom😘

I smiled as I send in my message and with the smile pasted on my face I rushed towards the chocolate and ice cream section humming to one of my favorite songs. 

I bought almost three packets of different flavored chocolate along with a two pack of ice cream. 

Now don't judge me upon my love for chocolate and ice cream and don't even think of asking me why a collage student would buy so much these product. My simple answer is well I love it. 

With a happy smile pasted on my face along with a lollipop in my mouth I carried the grocery towards the car. Ready to head home. 

I don't know but I was in a very good mood may be because of the chocolates but I was in a very good mood and after a long time. 

Reaching home I first found the keys and later got bite from Mrs. Smith house.  I think even Bite new about my good mood and continued asking me to play with him.

The whole afternoon went by playing with Bite and watching movies. Until it was time for both of my cute siblings to come back from school.

Unlike, morning where I had to drive them to school they came back home on their own with their friends.

Looks like today won't be so bad.
Just before I finished thinking this I herd Ray and Samuel at the door step continually pressing the door bells. Sigh looks like they are back and very exited.
Hey Ray, Hey Samuel. How was the day. " I asked letting them in and taking their bags.

"It was the usual K" said Samuel. "It was great sis" said Ray getting a questioning glance from both me and Samuel.

"Oh come on Kia and you too Sam I am just happy ok."

"Yes we get it"

"But why are you so happy" Both of us said one after another.

"Well... I meet a new guy at school and well lets just say we became friends instantly."

Before anyone of us could say something he continued
"And he is coming here tomorrow after school. "

Finishing his sentence he went on to jump on the couch switch on the TV for some NBA match.  While Sam went to her room for changing out of her clothes.

Hmm seams like it's just not me who had a great day till now. Even Ray and Sam are enjoying their day. I just hope everything continues in the same manner.

With this thought I made my way to the kitchen to make lunch for both of my happy siblings.

Before we knew it was four in the afternoon. We had pasta for our lunch as i was lazy to make them anything else. lunch was continued with a whole pack of ice cream and harry potter marathon.  I don't know if its just us or does the Harry Potter movies get better and better every time we watch it. All three of us are huge fans of Harry Potter and its like a go to movie for us specially when we are happy.  

"Samuel, I was thinking we should go to the mall now and maybe we can have dinner at some diner on our way back."  I said as the credits for the movie rolled indicating its end

"I to wanna go. sis take me with you." Ray said jumping on the couch trying to convince me to take him along.

"Yeah K that fine with me. May be we can take Sun with us as mom is not home yet leaving him alone means no snacks" Said Samuel with a smile on her face as she proceeded to carry the empty packets of popcorn to the kitchen. 

"Ok then its set. Get ready in twenty nd we are leaving. Ray first go and fill Bite's bowl with some dog biscuits." I said after switching of the Tv and cleaning the rest of the packets on the ground. 

"Aye aye captain" shouted Ray in the sailor voice followed by a small yes from Samuel. 

In exactly twenty minutes we were out of the house on our way to the mall cracking jokes and playing Ed Sheeran songs. 

Long WinterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora