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With that I severed her limbs where she couldn't runaway while Gyutaro was poisoning her


"Don't be sad you're going to Heaven right..since you're the great blissful Yui?"

The boys sat there amused at her dying and begging it was a dream come true then everything went silent the room started spinning the last thing I remember was them screaming my name and Yui with a...

With that I severed her limbs where she couldn't runaway while Gyutaro was poisoning her


"Don't be sad you're going to Heaven right..since you're the great blissful Yui?"

The boys sat there amused at her dying and begging it was a dream come true then everything went silent the room started spinning the last thing I remember was them screaming my name and Yui with a LOWER RANK DEMON!?!


"It's okay"

He sat there while I was crying comforting me while putting my head back on

"There there, I'll deal with the demon"

"My Lady let's get somewhere safe"

He picked me up and led me to a spare bedroom

"Onii-chan  kill him"

He just nodded in response

"I've come here to challenge you for upper 6"

" very well"

Just one hit he was dead 


It was 4 hours after the incident Yui is dead and it was peaceful no loud noises at all

"Dinner is ready Rose"

"Thanks Subaru-chan"

Daki as Yui's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now