Ch. 2 - Adoption part 2

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A/N: I know these pictures are old but that's what they will look like in this story. :)


He told me not to scream so I did the next best thing.

I fainted.


"Is she okay?"

"Why is she sleeping it's lunch time."

"She's not sleeping she fainted."

I slowly began to gain consciousness and was bombarded by several different voices.

"She's pretty."

"How old is she?"

It was silent after that. I suppose the owners of the different voices all stared at the last speaker because next I heard, "Really Harry. Now why would you need to know that?"

"Hey! We were all thinking it. I'm just asking."


I tried to open my eyes. They felt like they were glued shut. My fingers twitched though!

"Hey look! She's waking up!"

I felt someone's breath right next to my cheek.

"Come on love wake up," was whispered into my ear. Wait a minute. I knew that voice!

My eyes shot open to be met by the deep brown ones of none other than... Zayn Malik.

"She's alive!" Squealed the one and only Louis Tomlinson.

He stood a little ways behind Zayn. Harry Styles stood next to him and on my other side was Liam Payne and Niall Horan.

Oh how wonderful! *note sarcasm* I was surrounded by my idols, laying on a table.

"Hi there sweetheart. Are you feeling alright now." Zayn asked still very close to me.

I nodded because I didn't trust my voice at the moment.

A door opened into the room we were in. Which just so happened to be the office where Judie, the manager, worked all day.

"Jewels!!!" My best friend ran into the room and pulled me into a bear hug.

"Thank goodness you're alright! I turned around and you weren't there! So I went back to the back door and Zayn had already brought you to- wait ZAYN!?!?!? As in ZAYN MALIK!?" Katherine turned around slowly suddenly realizing that all of One Direction was in the same room as her. The boys awkwardly waved.

Think me weird but I was thankful to have such a good friend that would care about me so much that she would momentarily not care that she was surrounded by one of the biggest boybands in the world just to give me a hug. :)

Sure we weren't directioners, but we did know a little bit about each boy and we LOVE their music!

See being mermaids and all, we have a huge appreciation for music and singing.

Now where was I? Oh yes! Katherine realized One Direction was present.

"Wa-wa-what are you guys do-doing in America?" Yeah the orphanage is in Louisiana.

A/N: Idk I'm just making this up

Liam answered,"we came to adopt."

Now I was confused. Why would they come all the way to America to adopt?

As if reading my mind, Louis explained.

"We want to introduce her to a new way of living as well as a new family."

Okay that made a little sense.

"We would, actually, like to adopt you."
Niall piped in.

I was about to scream yes but stopped.

"I can't leave my best and only friend. I'm sorry." They all looked disappointed until Zayn pulled out his phone and called someone.

A/N: sooo sorry to all the Zarrie shippers out there. I ship them myself but I have plans for this story and to make it work better the boys are all going to be about 18-19years old. And none of them have girlfriends right now. Eleanor and Perrie are friends in this fanfic.

I only caught Zayn's half of the conversation. It went something like this...

Hey Perrie!


How's it going?


Great! Hey I was wondering is Jade still looking to adopt a girl.


Oh great! Where are you guys?


That's just down the street! Tell her to head over to ____orphanage. We will meet her in the front!


Okay thanks! Bye.

"What did she say mate?" Liam asked.

To which Zayn replied happily," Yes jade is still looking they are at the mall down the street!"

I was momentarily confused but then I remembered! Little Mix was just finishing tour and came to America for a week to celebrate!

A/N: still. Making this up.

"I think maybe Katherine would be perfect for her!"

Zayn turned to Katherine.

"Tell me about yourself."

"Well, my favorite colors are orange and purple. I like pop, soul and R&B music a lot. I enjoy disney movies, and LOVE biscuits. I also appreciate things that inspire." She finished.

"SHES PERFECT FOR JADE!!!" Louis practically blew my ears off.

"Yep she's just like her." Liam said.

"So...what now."
*many signed papers later*

"Bye Katherine! I'll see you when we get to London!" The boys and little mix were leaving to go home on different days. I leave today. Katherine leaves tomorrow. For fan reasons.

"I'll miss you in those hours!" My best friend hugged me. We both separated and ran off to our new family's. Katherine really hit it off with Jade and they totally clicked. Jade makes a perfect mom to Katherine.

I ran off to meet my new family too! Louis is my adoptive father. I never had a last name so it wasn't hard for me to adjust to being Jewel Tomlinson! I didn't have a middle name either so I decide to make myself one. So to ME I am now Jewel Marie Tomlinson.

The same goes for Katherine she never had a last name either. So she is now Katherine Thirlwall!

Dad-wow that's weird to say-turned to me,"ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

And with that the door opened and we ran through crazed fans to the plane.


Hello my precious readers of Wattpad! I am so sorry I didn't keep my promise about updating yesterday. My wifi was shut down at the time. But I'm back now! And to make up for it I will update again later today! :) Until then read on!

See Ya!
~Aubrey xxx

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