Caspian: It Doesn't Matter

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I escaped, from Asterin. I ran for miles, searching for a place to stop. I didn't have to suffer from the loss of my family; I didn't have one. The pain of both might be the same. I worked as a cobbler in Asterin, until the fire, I was only 5 when the Lexers came. Nefertiti curled up in my chair and purred. I found her lost in the woods when I was 8. When I actually think about it, I wonder how I survived for so many years here. It's been 15 years. I go to the Outside market frequently, that's where I get my materials and food. But I can't have people seeing me when I go home, the stupid Lexers. I sell my books in the Outside. People (Who might also be Lexers trying to kill me) often tell me to go out into the real world, outside Asterin. But something pulls me to stay here. I like living in this small cottage with Nefertiti. I feel a tickling tiny needle going up and down my cold skin. Nefertiti scratched me with her sharp nails, telling me to cook dinner. It's a rainy Sunday evening, I got up from my wooden chair and cut some vegetables. The rain slowly lands on the sodden ground outside our cottage. The trees surrounding the cottage sway in the night's cold air as small droplets of rain ricochet off the ground. Nefertiti jumped on the marble counter, I pushed her milk towards her and she willingly drank it. It stopped raining after 10 minutes. The bloody auburn sky was left wounded by the cold rains and the heavenly moon as I sat in my chair and ate supper. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if the fire never happened. If my parents didn't leave me. Would I be in a better place? I don't know why I keep asking myself this repetitively.

After dinner, I went into my room. The bed is still not done since morning. My bags and papers lay scrambled on the floor. A picture I drew in the village frivolously stood out against the pile of writing papers. I was used to seeing this. But what I wasn't used to was a fawn-coloured rusty paper with excellent calligraphy in the title. Without being hesitant, I picked it up. The paper felt like silk. I felt like I was spoiling the whole thing by touching it with my greasy hands.  But I didn't ever use materials like these for my books. I was staggered. It started with "Dear Caspian". No one has sent me a letter in 15 years. No one even knows I live here, except the kids from the woods. I knitted my brows and read it carefully, repeating the lines once in my head and then out loud. 

"Dear Caspian,

If this letter has even reached you, I am grateful. I searched for you for months and finally found your address. I have something to tell you.

You, Caspian Emberbone, are the Prince and Heir of the Kingdom of Asterin. You are Next In Line for the Throne and I suggest you come as soon as possible to accept the Crown of Jade. Asterin is in danger. The Lexers burnt our village already, and we lost our dear King and Queen. It is said in Asterin law that when the Heir turns 21 years old, the Throne is to be handed to him or her. You have lived away for enough, you must come back to Asterin for things to be the same again. Asterin has been without a ruler for 15 years, and the Lexers have come in control. You must arrive and save Asterin. I know this is a lot to process, but we need you. I request you to follow the map I have provided and visit me for your coronation. If you do not come, I will know that you do not desire to be King.



I knitted my brows as I reached to the end of the letter. I turned to the back of the page and a large map was illustrated, but the destination was practically nowhere. I scoffed and crumpled it up and threw it into the big pile of other papers. It's obviously the children in the woods pulling pranks. They've done this countless number of times. I've been a Knight, an evil King's son who has to rule the world and even an alien from another universe, but this one's a first. But besides, whose name would be 'JadeBishop'?

I lay in bed, I knew the letter didn't matter at all, but in the back of my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about it. It doesn't matter!' I berated myself in my thoughts, unaware that those thoughts just escaped my mouth. Nefertiti purred. She probably thinks I'm crazy. I'm sure it's a prank, but it felt so real, no kid is smart enough to do that and forge the Asterin stamp. No one has used it in 15 years. Besides, even if it is real, it's probably a misunderstanding. I can't be a prince. And even if I was, it's not like I would go. But, like I said, it doesn't matter. 

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