Caspian: What If?

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The night is cold. And so are my thoughts.

I've never put so much thought or energy into anything. Nor have I gotten a chance to.

All I could think about was that damn piece of paper. What kind of material was it? All of these unusual thoughts made me think, who the hell sent me that letter? Its definitely not someone I know of, because that's 5 people from the Outside Market.

The letter said it's from a man called 'JadeBishop'. Is it stupid to actually believe it? Is it stupid to think that I, a worthless author could be a prince? But I realised that that's what I've always thought my whole life. What will people think of me? Is it stupid to do things that I genuinely liked and cared for? But what if my thoughts and ambitions aren't stupid anymore? What if they actually matter? What if I'm the only one who mattered in the end, but what is the end?  

  I've made my decision, I will go to this so - called JadeBishop and- of course, find my long- lost sister. I'm guessing she got the good looks. But it's obviously dangerous and insensible to go to a man called 'JadeBishop' asking for a Crown of Jade at 12 in the morning, so I am waiting until dawn.

It's 6 in the morning and I am awakened by Nefertiti's annoyed screeches. I thank her and begin my everyday ritual which consists of 16 hours of getting ready to sleep at 10. Except this time I actually had something to wake up for. As I brush my hair, I realised that this could probably be the stupidest thing or the most sensible and life-changing thing that I've ever done or thought of. I gently pet Nefertiti's head and leave the house wearing my gumboots and carrying a worn out umbrella in my sandy hands. My face reflected in the cheap material of the umbrella as I looked up to see the filled up grey clouds, waiting to burst once again and come pouring out on us, emotionless and grey clouds. 

I'm holding the letter as I try to follow the poorly drawn map. Raindrops fall and ricochet on it like tears. "Damn it" I quickly wipe it off with my sleeve. I realised I became a bit distracted, and that I had reached where this so- called coronation was supposed to happen. All I see is this open space full of rocks and wet mud, this is definitely not where anyone would want their coronation to take place. I walk around and try to see if anyone is there. "Hello? Um- I'm Caspian Emberbone, for the coronation thing. I-I come in peace" Leaves rustle around the open area and I place my hand on the grip of my sword, ready to conquer whoever comes forward. The leaves stop rustling, and all I can hear is the peaceful sound of silence and the soft whooshing of the salt air.

My gumboots get submerged into the wet squishy mud as I take a step forward. I suddenly hear a deep and grisly voice behind me "I almost thought you wouldn-" My reflexes kicked in. I slashed my sword behind and panicked. An old, 5 feet tall man with a white beard and glowy bejeweled eyes held the blade of my sword right in his hands, the thick blood dripping from my sword. "Hello, Caspian. JadeBishop, nice to meet you" "Are you okay? I'm so sorry I thought you were someone else" I was startled, he looks just like I imagined him to. He had big ocean blue eyes in which you could clearly see yourself. His sword was neatly tucked in his robe and even his wrinkles looked good. He looked like a divine entity, like someone you could never see again, someone sent from heaven.

"I'm fine, that's really not a problem." He rubbed his hands together, and the blood was gone. At this point I was just too mesmerized to even say anything. "So, I assume you've come here for the Crown of Jade." I nodded as he walked across me, I turned around and there was the  most unusual thing I had ever seen. There appeared a dark green jade throne embedded with gold and ember scriptures on its edges. It was straight out of a fairytale. The light from it could blind you, I was transfixed. "Shall we start?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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