The Final Chaptah

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Dib noticed Cupid hadn't followed him into the classroom when the bell rang for next period. In fact, he didn't return. "Not like I care. He was a jerk anyway." He muttered under his breath. As usual, he payed no attention to the teacher, and instead was looking to Zim. On a normal day, he would death stare him down and think about how evil he was and wonder what he was planning this time. But today, it was different. He looked at Zim with different eyes now. He looked at him in admiration for his determination and persistence in his attempts to take over the world, instead of hatred for him trying to do so. He looked at him, thinking how funny he was when he was angry, instead of how frustrating. And for once he felt oddly happy. Zim looked over, and the two caught each other's eyes. Both jumped almost at the same time, and looked away fast as lightning, blushing. Dib's heart pounded so loud he feared someone would hear. His stomach fluttered and his palms became sweaty, and he felt awfully shaky. He glanced quickly back to Zim to see that his head was turned completely opposite of Dib, and so Dib deemed it safe to stare. Stare. Dib was staring at Zim. "Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god no no no no." He muttered under his breath. He was falling for Zim. The bell rang and Dib was the first out of the classroom. Luckily, it was the end of the day, and he ran as fast as he could to the far out skirts of the building. Skidding to a stop behind the skool, he crouched down, hugging his knees. He was scared. Love was scary. He felt so happy and angry at the same time. He felt as if he'd built up all these walls, all these protective walls and he had been the safest most secure person there was, and Zim had simply touched it and it all fell to the ground. "Stupid Cupid, stupid fate, stupid love-" "Dib thing!" Dib's head whipped up at the sound of Zim's voice. Zim was approaching him quickly. Dib sat still on the ground, still hugging his knees. Zim bent down to look Dib straight in the eye. "I don't know what THIS is, but I will find what you are planning..." Zim began to rant about something or other. But all Dib heard was "kiss me." Obey the mighty Zim, right? "I promise you will no- mph!" Dib smashed his lips onto Zim's, and despite Zim's surprise, he closed his eyes and began to kiss back. It just felt so... Right. Dib felt Zim's soft emerald arms wrap around his neck as Dib reached out his own arms to pull Zim in closer. They parted slowly. "Huh. Guess there aren't mistakes." He whispered. And as Cupid floated above them, watching, he smiled. "I knew you'd come around, kid."

GUYS IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED THIS IN SO LONG. I just have a lot of other things going on right now, including other stories. But anyway, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed my three chapter story!

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